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Innovative technology makes it possible to perform analysis of grains and animal nutrition without a laboratory and in real time

New portable measuring equipment allows you to analyze samples instantly, quickly and practically, providing great savings in inputs and capital

In the current competitive scenario, technological tools are a fundamental component for the success of farmers and ranchers in agribusiness. In this sense, a new technology appears in the Brazilian market to provide analysis of food and other organic (and some inorganic) samples, in real time and without the use of a laboratory, through the method of emission of electromagnetic radiation.

It is a line of portable nutritional analysis equipment with NIR technology, one of the most versatile and modern high-precision tools ever created to measure parameters of the nutritional composition of animal feed and grains, in general, such as corn, soy, wheat, coffee, in addition to being also functional for analysis of sugarcane, soil, among others. All this quickly and practically, without the need for laboratory tests or internet connection.

These devices make it possible to individually monitor the measurements required during agricultural production or animal husbandry, avoiding process failures that could impair their final quality. Here in Brazil, they are marketed exclusively by Weightech Agro, a division focused on nutritional control of the company Weightech Brasil – specialized in weighing systems, operating in the segment for 20 years. The equipment sold was developed by the Italian company Dinamica Generale, a world leader in cutting-edge technologies for the efficient control of agribusiness.

According to Carlos Marin, Director of Weightech Brasil, among the main differentials of these products are “the quality suitable for the most extreme conditions of use, such as heat, humidity and cold, with equipment built with materials specified for military use, providing precision , reliability, stability and durability over time. In addition to having the most advanced technology and connectivity resources, which guarantee the optimization of processes through their use, representing, without a doubt, the best cost-benefit ratio on the market for a safer and more profitable production”, he says.

It is also worth noting that this equipment allows the performance of analyzes directly in the field and in less than a minute, without the need to collect samples for analysis in the laboratory. “In addition to being more practical, this type of system is also more economical and efficient, as it allows for an agile and constant follow-up of results to take the necessary measures in production”, explains Marin.

The director also adds that devices with NIR technology have great potential for expansion within Brazilian agribusiness in the coming years, as there is an increasing need to invest in cutting-edge technology to improve production rates and profitability. business, especially in the case of those who aim to sell their products to other countries. “In an increasingly competitive and challenging scenario, especially when it comes to the export market, with extremely demanding international customers, NIR technology is one of the best solutions to stand out from the competition and improve earnings, with cost reduction , better quality and productivity”, concludes the director.


In  the area of ​​animal nutrition , the product line with NIR technology contributes to the control of the quality and dosage of animal feed, without waste; improving animal health by reducing the use of antibiotics; increase in farm efficiency and productivity, with reduced production losses; workforce optimization; savings in time, inputs and capital; among other benefits.

In the agricultural segment, the NIR equipment acts primarily in grain quality control, through the analysis of the most diverse parameters – such as the determination of protein, moisture, gluten, oil, fiber, amino acids, fatty acids, among others. many others – aiming to meet, above all, the rigorous analysis requirements requested by foreign trade regulatory bodies, in addition to adding efficiency in processing, storage and transport.

Daniela Mattiaso Figueiredo

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