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80% of companies have overcome the economic effects of the Pandemic

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Research carried out by Conta Azul reveals a positive scenario for entrepreneurs

Brazil, October 2022 –  The last few years have been extremely challenging for the world economy. Still, the year 2022 has seen the resumption of activities that were paralyzed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Like several fronts, the Brazilian economy has also followed its path of recovery. This is what the  Conta Azul Termometer reveals , a survey conducted with entrepreneurs about the timing and expectations for the second half of the year. In the context of the resumption of activities in 2022, with life “returning to the old normal”, the survey data reflects the perception of entrepreneurs. The survey was carried out electronically for 15 days with more than 600 entrepreneurs, who use the ERP for financial management. 

Resume after the pandemic

One of the main insights that the research brings is a scenario of improvement in business development. When asked about the current situation of their business, 80% of companies claim to have overcome the economic effects since the beginning of the pandemic. More than half, 55%, said their business was even bigger than in 2020 and only 19% said the business was smaller. In relation to the first months of the year, 60% said they had hired employees and 53% said they had not fired anyone in recent months. 

When asked about expenses for the first half of the year, 90% of entrepreneurs said they were able to pay all debts and only 10% said they were unable to pay the bills. In the survey carried out at the beginning of the year, most respondents were also able to manage the accounts at the end of 2021, paying all expenses (74.6%), either with ease or difficulty, but without having to go into debt. When asked about their biggest challenge today, nearly half of entrepreneurs said increasing sales is their number one challenge. In the last survey, carried out in January of this year, this was also the main challenge indicated by the business owners.

For Vinicius Roveda, CEO of Conta Azul, the survey results are positive signs. “ All the business owners who responded are Conta Azul customers, which means they have financial management. If they’re succeeding in their business, it’s a clear sign that we’re on the right track… And we’re moving forward, in the direction of supporting all phases of the business. Our commitment is to continue offering an increasingly robust financial management, uniting more and more ERP, Banking and Accounting in a single and powerful ecosystem ”, he said. 

Villain called inflation

Despite an optimistic scenario, the impact of inflation is felt in all sectors. Inflation is directly linked to the supply side and some events, such as the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, disrupted production chains. Of the 600 business owners who responded to the survey, 75% said they had had negative impacts because of inflation. With higher spending, 62% passed on the increases to the prices charged. Also according to the entrepreneurs, inflation and the tax burden are factors that limit the growth of companies.

cloud ERP

All respondents to this survey have automated financial management. They are customers of Conta Azul Pro, a cloud ERP created to automate processes, provide predictability and financial control for entrepreneurs. Of the more than 600 respondents, 34% use the Conta Azul between 1 and 3 years and only 13% for less than 1 year. When asked if they believe that having a financial management ERP facilitates the daily life of the entrepreneur, 88% agree that it does. Among the ERP functionalities, integration with banks was considered the main one, with 56% of preference. For 47%, the fact that the platform is entirely in the cloud, and can be accessed from anywhere, is another important feature. Receive Fácil, an automatic billing system, is preferred by 28% of the group. 

Fernanda Duarte, owner of a fighting gym and also a clothing store, was one of those who responded to the Thermometer survey. Like most, she said her business was bigger than before the pandemic and that she believes that a cloud ERP makes everyday life easier. She is an entrepreneur in the interior of São Paulo and said that the beginning of the pandemic was a period of challenges, but also of opportunities. “ We created a new concept of keeping classes and continuing to sell some clothes. Even with the period closed in 2020, we managed to maintain ourselves and today, I can say that we grew even more. I believe that with what we have been through, the economy has found a new way of moving ”, said Fernanda. The businesswoman also believes in an even better second half of 2022. “Due to the growth of the first semester and the economic data that we are following, the expectation is high and of a lot of growth until the end of the year ”, he concluded. 

About the Blue Account

Conta Azul, founded in 2012, offers financial management solutions for small and medium-sized companies. The company gave rise to the new generation of ERPs for entrepreneurs who want to elevate the financial culture and scale their business, creating a powerful ecosystem that transforms the relationship between companies, their accountants and the bank.

NR7 | Full Cycle Agency

Janaína Finardi

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