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Annual consultation with a urologist is vital for the prevention of serious male diseases such as prostate and penile cancer.

Blue November is an invitation for men to take care of their health

More than a prostate cancer prevention movement, Blue November is also an opportunity for men to become aware of the importance of taking care of their health. Thus, in addition to this problem that deserves full attention, given that the diagnosis in the initial stage of the disease is synonymous with cure for 90% of cases, the annual visit to the urologist should be used to detect other equally serious situations that can compromise the quality of life.

However, according to the Brazilian Society of Urology (SBU), 51% of men have never been to the urologist. In fact, many still arrive at the clinics after a long period of pressure from the family nucleus or accompanied by their wives. For the urologist and coordinator of the Medical Residency Program in Urology at the Hospital Evangélico de Belo Horizonte, Arilson Carvalho Jr., this resistance has diminished over time, also due to the Blue November campaign, but it is necessary to reinforce the need.

Prostate cancer prevention begins at age 45. Usually, consultations are advanced when there are cases in the family, with father or siblings. But there are other moments in a man’s life when this consultation is important, such as at the beginning of puberty or when he begins sexual activity, and also for pre-nuptial exams, to detect the existence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and sexual counseling for a new phase of life”, he emphasizes.

penile cancer

The dreaded penile cancer is another disease that, when diagnosed early, reduces the chances of a partial or total amputation of the organ. Symptoms such as skin changes, change in color, lump, sore that bleeds or does not heal, red rash over the foreskin, small scaly sores or flat bluish-brown spots, smelly fluid or bleeding, swelling of the head of the penis and lumps in the groin, when detected, should motivate a visit to the urologist.

Among the causes of the disease are inadequate hygiene conditions of the penis, which results in the accumulation of secretions that can cause the proliferation of bacteria and infections, the existence of phimosis that does not allow the head of the organ to be exposed to be washed with water and soap, HPV (human papillomavirus) and/or a history of sexually transmitted infections such as AIDS and smoking.

impotence and others

Despite the risk involved with prostate cancer, there is a list of other urological problems that also require the follow-up of the urologist. One of them is erectile dysfunction, for which there is effective treatment, as the Evangelical Hospital specialist emphasizes, without the person having to resort to the risk of self-medication.

Along the same lines, Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) is characterized by the enlargement of the gland and affects almost half of the male population over 50 years of age, reaching 90% with advancing age. With this growth, the urinary channel is compressed, which can generate several problems such as bladder obstruction and urinary incontinence. “ Medical follow-up is essential to prescribe treatment at the right time ”, considers Arilson Carvalho Jr.

In addition to urological diseases, there are aspects of male health that can also be evaluated by the specialist. Among them are obesity, sexual health, kidney stone detection, sleep disorders, anxiety and other psychological problems can also be addressed during this consultation. “ In theory, the urologist is the man’s doctor ”, defines Arilson Carvalho Júnior.

HE  – An institution founded 76 years ago, initially as an outpatient clinic, the Hospital Evangélico de Belo Horizonte encompasses, in addition to the Serra Unit, another 9 business units in Belo Horizonte, Contagem and Betim. In 2021, it performed more than 1.368 million medical procedures through SUS, health plans and individuals, and is a reference in nephrology and ophthalmology care for SUS in the state. Currently, the network has more than 2,300 employees.

ETC Communication
Luciana Sampaio

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