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Santander Universities offers 100,000 English scholarships from beginner to advanced level

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Registration is free and runs until December 22 and participants will receive a certificate of completion

Santander Universities launched a scholarship program for training and improvement in the English language on the EF English Live platform. 100,000 scholarships will be offered for 16 online English courses ranging from beginner to post-advanced level, with 1,000 hours of videos and interactive activities, special modules and globally recognized certification. Selected fellows will receive free access to the courses for 90 days.

The initiative is aimed at Brazilians who are over 16 years old at the time of registration. There is no age limit and it is not necessary to be studying a degree to participate. “ English is the universal language to communicate anywhere in the world. Santander Universities aims to train people of all ages to learn from scratch or improve their knowledge of the English language. Mastering the language enables students to face opportunities anywhere on the planet, ” says Nicolás Vergara, executive superintendent of Santander Universities in Brazil.

Registration, free of charge, can be made until December 22nd. Upon completion of the course, students will be entitled to a certificate that will be issued directly by EF English Live. After completing the registration, participants will receive the answer in their email, so it is essential to fill in the registration form correctly to ensure that the answer reaches the indicated email address. Click  here  to sign up

Santander and its support for Higher Education

Santander Universities has already impacted the lives of more than 790,000 students, professionals and entrepreneurs through free programs, many of which are carried out in partnership with the 1,200 universities in 22 countries that are present. Over 25 years of operation, this solid commitment to higher education allocated more than € 2 billion to academic initiatives, which made it possible to offer more than 790,000 scholarships. Each year, Santander Universities invests more than BRL 40 million in education and, in 2021 alone, 33,000 scholarships were allocated to students from all over Brazil and for 2022 the proposal is to deliver more than 35,000 scholarships. This performance led Santander to be recognized as the company that invests the most in education in the world, according to the 2018 Varkey / UNESCO / Fortune 500 Report.

Vorá Integrated Communication
Silvia Dias da Costa

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