5-6 minutes
It is becoming common for men to cry in public. Public figures, especially men, but also women, used to maintain an appearance of superiority in the face of suffering or joy.
The situation changed in December 2022: men cry too! High profile public figures cry too!
The first cry was Bolsonaro’s: sadness, abandonment, loss, a feeling that only he can justify because we don’t know what was going on in the President’s heart at that moment.
Then it was Neymar’s turn: sadness and loss, an anguished feeling of total loss. We understand this loss because we were here with him feeling what he felt.
Finally, Lula: joy, revenge, revenge! He said that when he received the diploma proving his victory in the elections from the hands of the Minister! They wanted to prevent him from ever using the presidential chair again! And, crying, he claims he won!
There are two types of crying: physical and emotional.
Physical crying comes when pain caused by an accident, an object tearing the flesh, or an infection or disease gnawing away at us causes us to shed tears and cry on a friendly shoulder.
Emotional crying is produced by a saddened or happy spirit in the face of events that are beyond our control and trigger countless feelings such as those already listed: sadness, loss, abandonment, anguish, or on the contrary, euphoria, joy, satisfaction, victory.
Whether physical or emotional, whether sad or happy, we are almost entirely responsible for the events that make us cry!
What does psychology teach us about crying?
“There are two main theories about crying in Psychology, although each case is very particular and, for this reason, each person deserves to be analyzed individually. The first theory is that crying is an overflow, a way for the body to physically and tangibly expose what it is feeling. In addition, there is scientific evidence that crying promotes stress relief , so in addition to expressing strong emotions, it helps us to deal with them.
“The second theory is that crying could be a symptom. People who go through depression, for example, often cry frequently or even uninterruptedly for hours – and the worst: for no reason. Therefore, crying can often be a symptom of a larger problem, such as depression, anxiety disorder or panic disorder. Therefore, you need to follow up with a psychotherapist. https://www.eusemfronteiras.com.br/o-que-a-psicologia-diz-sobre-o-choro/
Bolsonaro was abandoned for not having responded with actions to the desires of those who elected him in 2018; he sought to govern for a minority that dubbed him a myth and indulged his ego, leaving millions of voters forgotten. Forgetting a voter is the worst mistake of a politician. The voter takes revenge!
Neymar cried because he saw that he and his ball teammates belittled the opposing team and thought they could win in the morning. Brazil also thought that. In fact, that’s what we think in the face of so many battles. If… they think, if… we think, if… he did this or that it would have been different! Now it’s too late!
Having been the only one who wept with joy, Lula may write on his epitaph a few years from now: I was the best manipulator in Brazil! For him there was no question of ideology! Lula knows very well how to take advantage of the benefits of capitalism and he is not going to abandon them. It was a matter of Ego! He prepared this moment very well, when he handed over power to the clumsy Dilma. He knew full well that she would be a disaster and that he would return as the savior of the fatherland. He didn’t count on the fact that the PT’s disbandment and the growing wave of demonstrations were putting his future dream at risk.
There was only one solution: to produce an “anti-communist” reaction that would deceive Brazilians, making voters fear the return of the dictatorship.
That’s where Bolsonaro comes in. He was called upon to play this role (remember that his son said he was a political actor and would continue to play it) and to be as inefficient as possible, to the point that the majority that voted for him in a first term would no longer elect him in a second campaign.
While there, in front of the red cheering crowd that applauded him, Lula thought about all this, and wept with joy! It worked out! Now, manipulating Congress and Vice will be very easy.
History has changed, my friends! Men cry in public too!!!