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What to expect from the hotel market in 2023?

Specialist in the hospitality sector explains that next year will be  favorable for the resumption of
hotel occupancy rates; the technology  
used in the management of establishments should also stand out

Paraná, December 2022 –  The year 2022 was considered stable for the hotel sector, because even with the outbreak of war in Europe and the persistence of cases of Covid-19, activities were not impacted. This year allowed the start of the market recovery, after all, with the advancement of vaccination, people started to feel safer to travel and stay in hotels, inns or hostels.

However, according to data from the study “Hospitality in Numbers 2022”, carried out by JLL in partnership with the Forum of Hotel Operators of Brazil (FOHB) and Resorts Brasil, even with the great signs of improvement shown by the sector and a relative increase in the occupancy rate of hotels in 2022, the full resumption will only come in 2023. This scenario is still a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic.

For  Leandro Azevedo ,  commercial manager  at  Bitz Softwares , a company that develops systems for managing the hospitality sector, in 2020 and 2021, the pandemic was a scare for everyone. As Brazil does not have a culture of care with the sanitization of environments, as in eastern countries, hotels had great difficulty in adapting and creating a structure to meet a demand that they did not have before.

In view of this, Azevedo believes that the market forecast for 2023 is that the hotel sector will return to normality, with an occupancy rate of 65% to 70%, that is, within the normal pattern before the pandemic. “Next year, the sector needs to invest more and more in effective management, avoid unnecessary costs and guarantee the quality of service. In addition, exploring new features and making the hotel earn more ”, he explains.

Allied to these issues is technology, which should become even more evident in 2023. It is important to make a good investment to have a strong website on the internet, including well-managed social networks. Because, the more the development is being seen by people, the more it will be noticed to, consequently, be the chosen place for accommodation. Positive reviews also help a lot in this process. 

According to Azevedo, another essential factor is the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD), which will have greater inspection next year. “ It is critical that hotels securely store guest data, use that information to promote self-service, obtain official documents, perform automated check-in and check-out, and allow guests to request services. We have to always be up to date and use technology to our advantage ”, he concludes.

About Bitz Software

Bitz  Softwares  is a company that develops systems for managing the hospitality sector. With more than ten years of experience, the company developed, through a SaaS platform (Software as a Services), the first Property Management System (PMS) for the segment. Currently, the company offers solutions: Hotels, Motels, Restaurants, Condos and means of payment fully integrated into the solutions.

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Alice Vieira

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