News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online

Year: 2022

The dangers of winter diseases

What are the risks of not treating them properly and when is ENT surgery necessary? Winter is a reason for attention to respiratory diseases. In the cold, people tend to stay indoors, which makes air circulation difficult and favors the proliferation…

At home or in the office: 5 tips to stay focused on hybrid work

By: Vitória Veiga, Marketing Manager at Unentel Distribuição When most people were getting used to the home office, it was time to partially return to the office. The hybrid work model has become a reality and seems to please employees and…

Brazil wins the Creativity Marathon promoted by Full Sail University with a sustainable and educational project

The university received more than 240 short films in the global competition, on the sustainable development agenda 2030. The Pueri Domus School of São Paulo was the winner, with a video that promotes sustainability in a possible and accessible way…

International Women’s Day: Today is the day to remember!

By Débora Loureiro Today is International Women’s Day. Day to remember our own history and those that brought us here. Day to rescue in memory (or research) the paths of famous women (or not) who fought and conquered space that was previously…

Opportunities fair aims to connect female talent with the tech sector

The initiative is part of the #SouMulherACATE agenda, a series of events with the purpose of boosting the role of women in the area of ​​innovation In the week of International Women’s Day, an opportunity fair promises to connect 10…