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Abril Indígena: MPF participates in the inauguration of the new coordinator of Funai’s south coast region in SC

The event was held in the village of M’Biguaçu in Santa Catarina and was attended by the Public Prosecutor Analúcia Hartmann representing the MPF

Photos: Comunicação/MPF

The Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) was represented this Monday (24) at the inauguration of the new coordinator of the south coast region of the National Foundation for Indigenous Peoples (Funai), Hyral Moreira. The event was held at the house of prayer in the M’Biguaçu indigenous village, in the municipality of Biguaçu (SC).

Representing the MPF, Republic attorney Analúcia Hartmann thanked him for the invitation: “I always remember, in those moments, that I met Hyral as a teenager, a young leader in 1995, when I started working with the Guarani here on the coast. And I came here, to Biguaçu, when you were still building the first houses. And today we see this beautiful house of prayer”.

It is with great emotion that I speak of the hope that we, the Federal Public Ministry, have in this new phase of the struggle of the indigenous movement to recover, to retake their lands and to have the respect they deserve within Brazilian society. So, I can only thank you for the invitation and pay homage to all the indigenous people who are present here, in the person of their chiefs, and formulate, for the now coordinator Hyral, all the happiness in the world, knowing that you can always count on us”, emphasized Analúcia .


Hyral highlighted that “we have never had an indigenous person at the head of Funai, which was created precisely to take care of our people. I was very happy when Joenia Wapichana assumed the highest position within that body. Today, in the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples, Funai is a main body. Before, within the Ministry of Justice, it was kept in a box. So, it was very difficult to get a budget. And today the main budget goes to Funai ”.

Hyral said that he accepted the challenge of coordinating Funai “because I believe that we are not going to rebuild Funai, we are going to build Funai within the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples. I have a proposal to form partnerships, because, until then, Funai was, in a certain way, a guardian body for indigenous peoples. And it is not so. The Brazilian State has distributed responsibility for indigenous peoples to states and municipalities as well ”.


For Hyral, “this moment is historic. I believe that, in all the places where indigenous people are assuming coordination, they are probably doing this inauguration ceremony in a different format, breaking protocols. The idea is to bring partners and friends to get to know the village, see the reality of the village, feel the vibration of how the traditional people manifest themselves in such an important moment”. He ended by stating that “within the Guarani culture, the house of prayer is the heart of the village and what is decided, what is said here is being transmitted directly to the Universe. Because here what we ask for will happen. And what I ask a lot is protection, because we have a huge challenge”.

In addition to several authorities present, such as federal deputy Ana Paula Lima, representing the President of the Republic, and the mayor of the municipality, the inauguration was honored by several Guarani chiefs from the coast of Santa Catarina and by the spiritual leader of that people, Alcindo Wera Tupã.

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