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Justice News

Garbage: product for corruption in Santa Catarina

Justice in Santa Catarina did not imagine that digging through the garbage produced in the State would lead to one of the biggest operations against active and passive corruption, criminal organization and money laundering in the garbage collection and distribution sector in cities in Santa Catarina.

15 mayors are arrested in addition to municipal secretaries, businessmen and civil servants who would also be involved in the scheme, which has Serrana Engenharia as a pivot, according to complaints from the Public Ministry of Santa Catarina (MPSC).

Follow the story through these links from NSC Total in its daily update sent by Whatsapp:

Everything We Know About Operation Messenger

Understand how the garbage propinoduct worked in SC –

Find out who are the mayors arrested in the Messenger Operation that investigates the garbage scandal in SC –

Who are the defendants of Operation Messenger –

Mayor on the Operation Messenger prison list is in England –

Mayor of Itapoá is denounced 20 times for the crime of corruption –

How Mensageiro’s pivotal company has been rigging bids since 2014 without raising suspicion –

Corruption in city halls affects the image of SC and goes against the grain of the world economic order –

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