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Deputy Jorge Goetten reports on a project that provides for tax rebates for new companies

Proposal presents discounts until companies complete three years of activity

The Commission for Industry, Commerce and Services of the Chamber of Deputies approved this week a project that establishes discounts in the Simples Nacional rates in the case of micro and small newly opened companies. The objective is to encourage new entrepreneurs and also the formalization of companies. The text had as rapporteur the deputy from Santa Catarina Jorge Goetten (PL).

Favoring the approval, the deputy pointed out that only 40% of the companies created in Brazil survive the first years of life, that is, less than half. “The difficulties faced are much greater at the beginning, especially in terms of finances. It is important that all possible incentives are given so that they can face this phase and not close their doors, thus generating jobs and income”.

The discount

The project amends the  National Simple Law  and provides for the following discounts:

-30% for companies with up to 12 months of activity;

– 20% for those with 13 to 24 months of activity

– 10% in case of 25 to 36 months of activity

Furthermore, new orders by the same owners can only be made after two years, in the case of different branches, or four years for the same segment.

The bill goes on to be analyzed by other committees of the House before the plenary vote. The author of the original proposal is deputy Duda Ramos (MDB/RR).


Goetten has been highlighted on the national scene regarding the incentive for small companies. Last month, he was also chosen as rapporteur for the project that creates PROMPE – My First Company Program. The project wants to encourage, through courses and lines of credit, entrepreneurs who are starting their activities. 

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