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A dream can turn into a nightmare

An organized wardrobe can bring a good moment of rest

Fashion is constantly changing and dressing well has always been synonymous with good taste. And who doesn’t want exclusive pieces with good quality fabrics? However, what is a dream can turn into a nightmare! If you like to update your outfits, be careful not to run out of space in your closet or wardrobe, as elegance begins with organization.

The versatility of fashion was also reflected in the market. He adapted to the changes brought about by the pandemic and with the restrictions, e-commerce became the way out for this segment that was so affected. About 19.6% of all orders were placed online and everything indicates that these changes will be in effect for a long time, mainly due to the convenience of making purchases in the comfort of home.

One of the challenges is to accommodate the pieces that increase in quantity in our wardrobe every day. Cristiane Dalla, personal organizer from Curitiba, talks about the guidelines for having a functional wardrobe or closet: “The measurements of the furniture are essential to accommodate the pieces, high boots, large bags, long clothes, pieces that need to be folded, others that need to be hung are some of the points to be considered when deciding on the internal space of the cabinets. Do not mix clothing categories such as t-shirts, shirts, coats. Place items that are worn together, such as belts next to pants and socks next to shoes.”

If you don’t know which piece of furniture to buy to store your clothes, a good solution is to hire a specialized professional, a personal organizer. In addition to organizing the environments, it helps to choose the ideal and functional furniture to keep an organized house and thus have that well-deserved rest time.

The search for the perfect look combined with the ideal wardrobe or closet helps us on a daily basis, facilitating our routine and making us productive, elegant and organized. In addition, our bedroom should be a resting and cozy environment, since at the end of a tiring day at work, we just want our bed and rest!

Cristiane Dalla
Personal Organizer
(41) 9 9989-8904
Instagram: @cristianedallaorganizer
Facebook: Cristiane Dalla Solutions in Organization
Linkedin: Cristiane Dalla

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