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Can you imagine spending 40 hours talking on the phone?

Below, see cases talking about the telephone calls that marked the era both due to the time and the distance in which they were made

Do you remember the last time you “dialed” someone? Or when was the last time you spent hours “hanging” on the phone listening to news from a friend or family member?

It’s probably been a long time and today your day to day is more focused on instant messages, video calls and pictures of your routine. The way of sharing events has changed.

In 24 hours, 27 billion messages are exchanged on Whatsapp, for example. One of the biggest communication apps today.

Spending 2 days talking on the phone is really amazing. But the telephone was once one of the great inventions of the century and transformed the way societies interact. Follow the trajectory of this object full of history and the most curious cases of the longest connections made to date.

The invention of the telephone

The telephone was invented by the American scientist Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. The project was successful due to an accident: Bell had no expectations that the device would work, but when testing it, he was able to speak and hear through the object.

At the time of the prototype’s exhibition, Dom Pedro II, then Emperor of Brazil, was present and marveled at the functionality of Graham Bell’s invention.

Dom Pedro II was so fascinated that, after using the telephone for the first time, he ordered 100 telephone sets for Brazil.

On October 9 of the same year, the first telephone communication between two different cities in the United States took place. The call took place between Boston and Cambridge.

From analogue to digital

The phone has had many anniversaries and has a history of nearly 150 years. The object is historic and part of the affective memory of many generations.

Although it has been epochal since it arrived, technological evolution has given rise to different models of the device, more sophisticated and easier to use versions.

The great replacement happened with the arrival of cell phones, especially the smartphone, a mobile device that could be connected to the internet, practically a pocket computer, with features such as a recorder, camera, MP3 and applications.

Voice communication is no longer the only available option for people to feel closer, receive information or even use it as a work tool.

Since the launch of smartphones, there have been applications that have made personal and professional communication even easier, such as Whatsapp, a social network for instant messaging.

The application started in an unpretentious way, as a more personal resource, but it fell so much in the taste of users that it also launched a professional version of the application, Whatsapp  Business .

The Longest Phone Calls in History

First Transcontinental Link in the USA (1915)

This is one of the longest distance calls in the early stages of the phone’s development. Here Graham Bell made a connection for Thomas Watson between New York and San Francisco over a distance of over 4,000km.

Transatlantic Link (1927) 

Another milestone in terms of long-distance and long-term calls, in one of the first launch phases of the telephone set. The connection took place between different countries: New York and London, more than 5000km away from each other.

Phone Marathon (1989) 

Near the turn of the decade, in Toronto, Canada, a group of citizens proposed a kind of telephone marathon with the aim of breaking world records. The call lasted 35 hours, involving different people throughout the call.

Alice Company and Hamburg Radio (2010)

An action by the telephone company Alice and Radio Hamburg challenged 3 couples to evaluate who could stay on the call the longest, without periods of silence lasting more than 60 seconds.

The winning couple spent 40 straight hours talking non-stop and won the bonding marathon, showing that love conquers all trials.

Alcindo Batista

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