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New book challenges traditional HR management and inspires organizational transformation

Published by Literare Books International, co-authored work brings a revolutionary strategic approach to aligning human resources with business objectives

A captivating and transforming book, “ HR Resources: Leading business transformations” , published by Literare Books International, hits the market with the editorial coordination of Márcia Rizzi, Marta França and Francisco de Assis Mendes, with the promise of revolutionizing the way We see and practice Human Resources management.

The work is an irresistible invitation for readers to embark on a journey of reinvention and discovery. With an innovative strategic approach, the book challenges traditional conventions, highlighting the importance of aligning human resources with business objectives. Each engaging and inspiring chapter brings together experts who share ideas and practices aimed at transforming the HR function into an engine of organizational success.

By shedding light on the future of HR, “Human Resources: Leading Business Transformation” calls all HR professionals to become agents of change. Readers will be empowered to drive innovation, build successful organizations, and lead the transformations needed to meet the challenges of the modern business world.

Among the topics addressed in this book: Companies as educational spaces; HR 4.0 and its impact on organizations; Inclusive leadership: welcoming, respecting and valuing people; HR in the family business; Leading in a world of infinite transformations; The power of the entrepreneurial mindset in change processes; The essence of HR; Amazing results depend on intelligent attitudes; Human behavior and its influence on labor relations; How the emotional salary and the humanized process impact the result of the company’s HR; Human Resources Business Partner; HR: strategic partner in leadership development; What experience do you, as a leader, want to provide to your team, your peers, and your organization? Transformations also in human resources; Life and career purpose.

The joint editorial team of Márcia Rizzi, Marta França and Francisco de Assis Mendes has brought together a wealth of knowledge and experience in this book, providing readers with a comprehensive and in-depth view of the changes and challenges that await the Human Resources sector.

The authors of this work are: Alexandra Pereira da Cruz Cantante, Alexandre Stigert, Ana Luiza Cassalta, Ana Rachid, Celiane Priante, Cleber Izzo, Dora Oliveira, Eliza Furukawa, Fernanda Fuzinelli, Francisco de Assis Mendes, Lauro Escaño, Maiane Bertoldo Lewandowski, Márcia Rizzi , Marta Oliveira França, Paulo Magalhães Sardinha and Silvana Aquino.

“ Human Resources: Leading Business Transformations”  is a must-read for HR professionals, leaders, and entrepreneurs looking to adapt and thrive in an ever-evolving business landscape. The future starts now, and this book points the way to a new era of Human Resources management.

Márcia Rizzi – Born in Pirassununga/SP, he has lived in São Paulo for four decades. First career developed at Caixa Federal, where he held leadership positions for over 20 years. Today she develops her second career as a mentor to leaders in national and multinational companies, working through coaching and mentoring processes, training and development programs for 22 years. Creator of the leadership development programs ELAS NA LIDERANÇA, exclusively for women, and OUSE LIDERAR, for groups composed of men and women. Graduated in Law, Administration and postgraduate degrees in Public Administration from FAAP, Leadership and Strategic People Management from Amana Key and MBA in HR from USP. Coach by ICI, IBC and IDPH and master coach by IMS. MBA Professor of Leadership at the Kroton Group.

marta france– Graduated in Social Work; post-graduated in Organizational Psychology and People Management; MBA in Business Management and master coach. Inserted in a global scenario for more than 25 years, with a differentiated career in several sub-processes of human resources, she continues with passion in the constant search for new knowledge, innovations and methodologies. Passionate about contributing to the professional development of young people and adults, leadership development and soft skills. In the organization, it acts as a strategic partner of the areas, contributing to the strengthening and sustainability of the business. Coordinator and educator for more than 15 years of the Formare volunteer program – professional technical apprenticeship for young people. Facilitator of the Youth for the Future Program – which identifies potentialities and guides young people about the job market.

Francisco de Assis Mendes – Thinker and scholar about the world of work, people management and leadership. Its mission and purpose in life is “to inspire people to dream and learn more so that together we can build a better world”. PhD candidate in Business and Social Sciences in Argentina, master’s degree in Investment Strategy and Internationalization in Portugal, and extension course in England. MBA in Strategic Business Management at USP and MBA in Digital Transformation and Future of Business at PUC-RS. Administrator with specialization in HR Management at Universidade Cândido Mendes in Rio de Janeiro, Labor and Social Security Law at PUC-Minas and Labor and Union Relations at WCCA in Campinas/SP. Solid experience in HR management, labor and union relations and IT in large multinationals (Honda, Sanyo, Murada and Panasonic). At the moment, he is Honda’s labor relations manager, with experience in HR and IT management, and vice president of ABRH AM. Publication of more than 14 books as co-author, coordinator and author, with highlights for the books: “Management of HR 4.0”, “Labor and union relations”, “People and management” and “Rethinking the world of work”.

More information:
Human Resources: Leading business transformations
Editorial coordination:  Márcia Rizzi, Marta França and Francisco de Assis Mendes
Publisher:  Literare Books International – 1st edition – 152 pages – 2023 – R$ 58.90
Format:  16 x 23 cm
Category :  Non-Fiction
Physical ISBN:  9786559226337
Digital ISBN:  9786559226344
Where to buy:  Amazon  | Literare Books Store  | e-book

Débora Luz
Communications Advisor

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