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State Government and Celesc boost photovoltaic growth in SC with three new solar plants

Plants will add 5.0 MW to the installed power generation capacity of the state of Santa Catarina. All projects will be executed by Quantum Company

Santa Catarina is experiencing remarkable growth in the photovoltaic sector, consolidating its role as one of the leading states in the transition to a more sustainable and cleaner energy matrix. This progress is evidenced by the significant investment in Solar Photovoltaic Plants (UFVs) and the strategic partnership between local companies in the State.

Strengthening its role in this direction, Celesc carried out, this Wednesday, August 23, the issuance of a service order for the implementation of three new Solar Photovoltaic Plants, UFV Capivari, UFV Videira and UFV Lages II.

UFV Capivari will have an installed capacity of 3.0 MW and will be located next to Celesc Distribuição’s SE Capivari. UFV Videira will have a capacity of 1.0 MW and will be located next to the area of ​​the future new Regional Agency of Videira, and UFV Lages II will be located next to UFV Lages I, attached to the Regional Agency of Lages.

With a total investment of approximately R$ 22 million, these plants will add 5 MW to the state’s installed capacity for power generation. The duration of the works is estimated at 300 (three hundred) days. All projects will be carried out by Empresa Quantum, winner of the three lots in the bidding process held in May this year.

Santa Catarina continues to be one of the most competitive states in Brazil, developing, generating jobs and income, and respecting the environment. We are leaders in this energy transition due to projects like this one by Celesc, which is committed to a more sustainable and cleaner energy matrix. Congratulations to the company for the initiative to invest in this renewable energy”, highlights Governor Jorginho Mello.  

For Tarcísio Rosa, president of Celesc, with a strategic vision of expansion, the photovoltaic park plays a crucial role, together with the expansion plans in hydroelectric generation. “Photovoltaic is the energy of the moment and we also have to participate in this game. It is very satisfying for us to be able to sign such a term – Capivari, Lages and Videira – expanding and associating ourselves with so many other producers of photovoltaic energy. This gives us greater flexibility, a greater amount of energy to offer the people of Santa Catarina”, emphasizes the president.  

The Director of Generation, Transmission and New Business, Elói Hoffelder, explains that this investment is a prerogative of the Company’s Strategic Planning. “The Celesc Group has in its strategic focus the obtaining of revenues through new businesses, and these new solar plants are the result of the Business Plan in Distributed Generation. In addition, we strengthened the Company’s ESG agenda, guaranteeing the State of Santa Catarina economic growth through renewable energy with low environmental impact”, he emphasizes, who took the opportunity to congratulate the entire Celesc Generation team. “We have a high-level team engaged in this mission, which is so important for the sustainable development of the State”, he adds.

Gilberto Vieira Filho, CEO of Quantum Engenharia, points out that the generation of solar energy has provided a real revolution in terms of energy worldwide. “Coming from the Sun, which is an infinite and clean source, solar energy is environmentally friendly and provides savings to all people. For us at Quantum Engenharia, it is an honor to be side by side with Celesc”, he comments.

Unprecedented business model with leasing for consumers

The plants are part of the distributed mini generation format, an unprecedented business model by Celesc, which provides for the lease of the plant to medium-sized consumers.

In this model, Celesc will continue to be responsible for the maintenance and operation of the photovoltaic solar plant, while the consumer who rents it will be able to receive credits for the energy generated, according to the energy compensation system provided for in Resolution 482 of Aneel (National Electric Energy Agency .

The investment is of great importance for the expansion of the Company’s generating complex, with a focus on clean and renewable energy.

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