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When we are aligned with our passions, we find energy and enthusiasm every day.

*Alexandre Slivnik 

Choosing a profession is a crucial step in life’s journey, shaping our destiny in profound and lasting ways. In August, we celebrate vocational month, an opportunity to reflect on the importance of this decision-making process. The connection between the right choice of profession and success is undeniable, and to achieve it, it is essential to listen to your heart and identify what you are passionate about.

Contemporary society offers a wide range of professional options, which can make the decision even more challenging. However, by choosing a profession aligned with our interests and passions, we open the doors to a more rewarding and promising future. When we do what we love, our work becomes an expression of who we are, boosting our motivation and productivity.

The process of identifying the right profession involves self-knowledge and reflection. It is crucial to look within and assess what our natural abilities, genuine interests and personal values ​​are. This self-awareness guides us toward areas that motivate us and make us feel fulfilled. After all, success goes beyond the financial aspect, since it is rooted in the feeling of accomplishment and personal satisfaction.

Listening to the heart is not just a cliché, but valuable guidance. When we are aligned with our passions, we find renewed energy and enthusiasm every day. The dedication and effort to improve our skills becomes natural, driven by genuine curiosity and interest in the area in which we operate. This not only makes us better professionals, but also allows us to face challenges with resilience and determination.

This relentless quest for continuous development is critical, as the World Economic Forum released a survey with data that reported that 65% of children in primary school today will work in jobs that do not yet exist. 

Vocational month, celebrated in August, reminds us of the importance of dedicating time to reflection on our professional path. It is an opportunity for young people and adults alike to explore their options, discover new areas and reaffirm their passions. Society thrives when each individual contributes their unique skills and talents, and this is only possible when we are truly committed to our career choice.

The right choice of profession is a gift we give ourselves and the world. It influences our quality of life as well as the impact we leave on society. By following our hearts and embracing what we love, we pave a path to success that transcends barriers and leads us into a future filled with fulfillment and meaning. Therefore, in this vocational month, we can remember the importance of listening to our hearts and pursuing our professional dreams with courage and determination.

Alexandre Slivnik is officially recognized by the US government as a professional with extraordinary skills in the field of lectures and training (EB1). He is the author of several books, including the best seller The Power of Attitude. He is the executive director of IBEX – Institute for Business Excellence, based in Orlando / FL (USA). He is Vice-President of the Brazilian Association of Training and Development (ABTD) and general director of the Brazilian Congress of Training and Development (CBTD). He is a guest professor at the MBA in Business Management at FIA / USP. Lecturer and professional with more than 20 years of experience in the field of HR and Training. He is currently one of the leading specialists in service excellence in Brazil. International Speaker with experience in the USA, EUROPE, AFRICA and ASIA, .

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