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Bolshoi School selects talents in Joaçaba with the support of Celesc and the state government

The pre-selection of the Bolshoi Theater School in Brazil arrives in the Midwest, in Joaçaba, and registrations can be made until September 11th. This stage will take place on September 14th, at the Governador Celso Ramos School of Basic Education, starting at 8:30 am.

Those approved will have the opportunity to participate in the National Selection and compete for a 100% free scholarship for the Classical Dance course at the Bolshoi School, located in Joinville/SC.

Registration for the pre-selection can be made until September 11th on the website  with a fee of R$ 30.00 (thirty reais). Children from public schools and social projects are exempt from the registration fee, and can register at the link

The complete announcement is available on the Bolshoi School website, which is sponsored by CELESC Distribuição SA and the State Government.

“It is an honor for the state government to support a project as special as this one, which transforms the realities of needy families and highlights talents. And, by holding this selective in Joaçaba, the Bolshoi Theater School in Brazil values ​​and honors the interior, promoting art and culture even outside the big centers”, highlights Governor Jorginho Mello.

Along the same lines, Celesc’s president, Tarcísio Rosa, reinforces Celesc’s commitment to valuing culture and art in Santa Catarina. “Social responsibility, combined with cultural incentives, not only strengthens the image of companies, but also enriches society by supporting art, culture and human development. That is why Celesc is very proud to be at the side of the Bolshoi Theater”, stressed the president.

On the last August 16th, the Bolshoi Theater School held a selection in Florianópolis, gathering around 70 male and female candidates.

Who can participate

Girls born in 2013 and 2014 and boys born in 2012 to 2014 participate in the tests, to enter the 1st Year of Classical Dance and it is not necessary to have knowledge in dance. In this pre-selection stage, Bolshoi professionals analyze the candidates’ physical and artistic skills, such as flexibility, scenic projection, posture and biotype. “We use basic and playful exercises like jumping, putting your hands on your feet without bending your knees, and others inherent in dancing,” explains Sylvana Albuquerque, coordinator of the selection process at the Bolshoi School.

Through these movements, the evaluators analyze the children’s abilities to develop in the Vaganova Method, used to teach classical dance at the institution. Candidates with the greatest potential in this age group (born 2012 to 2014) are nominated to participate in the National Selection, which will take place on October 6 and 7, 2023, at the headquarters of the Bolshoi School, in Joinville (SC).

For candidates who already have knowledge, girls born from 2006 to 2012 and boys born between 2006 and 2011, the evaluation is through a dance class, where Bolshoi professionals analyze the candidates’ ability to perform basic exercises of practice in dancing on the barre, center and, for the girls, the use of pointe shoes.

Candidates with dance knowledge approved in the pre-selection participate in the Special Call, an immersion within the Bolshoi School, with classes for a week, which takes place from September 25 to 29, 2023 at the Bolshoi Theater School in Brazil.

Bolshoi School benefits

The Bolshoi School grants 100% scholarships to all successful applicants. In addition to free education, students receive benefits such as food, transportation, uniforms, costumes, social assistance, pedagogical guidance, preventive dental care, physical therapy, nutrition and emergency/pre-hospital emergency medical care. For this, they must show good performance at the Bolshoi School and also in secondary and elementary education, as the absence of good grades implies the loss of the scholarship at the Bolshoi. Students receive an education, learn a profession, exercise responsibility and build citizenship.

The school complex is made up of rooms for ballet classes, music studios, atelier, health center, library, canteen, cultural spaces and two scenic laboratories. Around 6,000 square meters of absolute professional dedication to teaching. Ideal space to train dance artists within the Bolshoi Theater methodology.

The School is a non-profit institution, with legal personality, governed by private law, which has the support of the Municipality of Joinville, the Government of the State of Santa Catarina and the “Amigos do Bolshoi”, companies and socially responsible individuals that contribute to with the project through services provided and sponsorships not encouraged or encouraged by municipal, state and federal culture incentive laws. The Bolshoi School is sponsored by companies such as: Loterias Caixa, Diamante Energia, Alfa Impacta Mais, Brascabos, BRDE, Catallini Terminais Portuários, Celesc, Nidec, Texpa, União Quimica, Unicred, Whirlpool and other Friends who contribute to art in the country.


The Bolshoi Theater School in Brazil offers the dance job market not only dancers with quality training, but also people aware of their role in society.

The School has trained 432 dancers and 70% work in the dance field in Brazil and abroad. Employability is related to the reality of each and every professional. Currently, young people trained at Bolshoi Brasil work in 26 countries and on 5 continents.


Pre-Selection in Joaçaba/SC

When: September 14th

Where: Governador Celso Ramos Basic Education School – Av. Santa Terezinha, 105, Center, Joaçaba/SC.


Until September 11th

Value: BRL 30

Public Network registration:

Who can participate:

Girls: born in 2013 and 2014 (1st year admission) and 2006 to 2012 (entry in advanced classes).

Boys: born from 2012 to 2014 (1st year entry) and 2006 to 2011 (advanced classes entry).Support: The pre-selection in the city of Joaçaba/SC is supported by Amiga do Bolshoi CELESC Distribuição SA

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