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Debate on necessary changes in tax reform brought together businessmen and authorities in Joinville

With the main objective of clarifying with the machinery industries of Joinville the impacts of the tax reform in the sector and discussing the necessary changes in PEC 45/2019 before its approval in the Senate, José Velloso, executive president of ABIMAQ, gave a lecture entitled TAX REFORM – PEC 45/2019 – Replacement approved by the Chamber of Deputies at Ágora Tech, in Joinville, Santa Catarina for members and authorities, on August 25.

According to Gino Paulucci Jr, president of the Board of Directors of ABIMAQ, who opened the event, ABIMAQ has been promoting meetings with authorities, opinion makers and people from the government for years in search of better tax conditions for the machinery and equipment sector and the industry in general. “Tax reform is beneficial and necessary. We are just studying ways to improve it so that it fulfills its role of promoting national development”, he said to an audience composed of businessmen, associates and authorities.

According to Velloso, the reform will bring economic growth to the country, transparency, justice and a lot of simplification, as it will do away with the five main highly complex taxes that exist today: IPI (federal); PIS (federal); Cofins (federal); ICMS (state) and ISS (municipal), which will give rise to the Selective Tax (federal); CBS (federal) and IBS (state/municipal), with a single federal legislation for the three taxes, called DUAL IVA.

“Looking at the supply side, the sectors that will benefit the most will be manufacturing, the transformation industry, investments and exports. With the Reformation, we will leave hell and enter paradise”, concluded Velloso.

Joinville’s Secretary of Innovation, Willian Escher, emphasized that the municipality is a hub for industry, logistics and industry 4.0. According to him, the city, for two years, played the role of reducing bureaucracy and in the next two years it will do the economic promotion.

“We are with ABIMAQ to bring more and more industry and, consequently, economic development to the municipality of Joinville. We need our business entities and our municipalities to come together, because there in the Senate, we need to correct a lot of things that the Chamber put in this PEC 45 project and there are a lot of amendments, and things to be discussed”.

Fernando Bade, Secretary of Finance for the State of Santa Catarina, thanked them for bringing this matter to the attention of the municipality. According to him, the moment for discussion is now and the Tax Reform is necessary to generate more jobs, more income and more wealth for the whole of Brazil.

“I am a very optimistic Brazilian, but I have all the concerns as a Joinville and Santa Catarina native, as well as the South and Southeast must have. We know very well that we have a lot to work out and I thank ABIMAQ for bringing this expression and discussing the subject technically at the high level that we have seen here”, expressed Bade.


The Brazilian Machinery and Equipment Industry Association and SINDIMAQ (National Machinery Industry Union) have been working for over 85 years to drive industry growth with a focus on technological innovation and business generation. 

With a national structure, it has offices and units spread across the country, representing around 9,000 companies from different sectors, leading to a great capacity for articulation and influence with political and economic institutions

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