MPF promotes seminar Confronting Neo-Nazism in the South Region in Florianópolis (SC) on September 14 and 15
Initiative by the Federal Attorney for Citizens’ Rights seeks dialogue with researchers, entities linked to the defense of human rights, MP, police and federal government
The Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) is going to hold the seminar Confronting Neo-Nazism in the South Region, on September 14th and 15th, in Florianópolis, in the auditorium of the Attorney General’s Office in Santa Catarina.
The seminar is a joint initiative of the Federal Attorney for Citizens’ Rights (PFDC) with the Nucleus for Operational Support to the Federal Attorney for Citizens’ Rights in the 4th Region (Naop PRR4) and the Regional Attorneys for Citizens’ Rights (PRDC) in the states of Santa Catarina, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul.
According to the regional attorney of the Republic in the 4th Region and coordinator of the Naop PRR4, Marcelo Beckhausen, the two days of seminar in Florianópolis will serve for the MPF to outline joint strategies to address the problem together with the other parties involved, based on the exchange of ideas , dialogues and expansion of the institution’s scope of action in dealing with hate speech.
Debates on combating intolerance and hate speech observed in neo-Nazi groups in southern Brazil, with a focus on public policies and actions in the criminal area, will have the participation of researchers on neo-Nazism in the south of the country, entities representatives of Human Rights, the Holocaust Museum, the Federal and Civil Police of the three states (Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná and Santa Catarina), the Ministry of Human Rights, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education, in addition to government agencies linked to the protection of the citizen’s right.
The seminar will feature face-to-face lectures and via videoconferences, in a hybrid format. The event will be broadcast on the MPF YouTube channel and Zoom.
Participants – One of the already confirmed presences at the seminar is Cláudia Maria Dadico, currently director of mediation and conciliation of agrarian conflicts at the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Family Agriculture, who specializes in the subject. Cláudia, a federal judge, joined the Association Judges for Democracy and published the book Crimes of Hate – Dialogues between Political Philosophy and Law, in 2020.
The special advisor to the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Estela Aranha, also confirmed their participation via videoconference; the general coordinator of the Holocaust Museum, Carlos Reiss; and the director of the Warren Education Policy Program at the Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities, Clara Ramírez-Barat. The superintendent of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin) in Santa Catarina also confirmed and will be present at the event.
Seminar Confronting Neo-Nazism in the South Region When: September 14th and 15th
Where: Auditorium of the Attorney General’s Office in Santa Catarina
Paschoal Apostle Pitsica Street, 4876 – Luiz Elias Daux Building – Agronómica, Florianópolis (SC)
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