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(Video) Brazilian architect shares experience creating stingless bees inside the apartment

In a small box in the service area lives the colony of Graziele de Souza Soratto da Silva, from Tubarão, Santa Catarina State. It shows the complete process of removing homemade honey and explains the health benefits.

Can you imagine having bees as neighbors and harvesting honey directly from your own production? What could be a fear for many, became a passion for the architect of Tubarão, Graziele de Souza Soratto da Silva. In a small box in her laundry area, she looks after bees of a peculiar species. These small pollinators, unlike conventional bees, do not have a stinger, which makes their creation a unique and safe experience. Graziele’s initiative comes from the desire to actively participate in the preservation of nature and biodiversity, in addition to enjoying the benefits of fresh honey produced by these special bees.

It’s in the law 

The passion for raising stingless bees is not exclusive to Graziele. In 2021, several Tubarão breeders sought out Councilman Felipe Tessmann with the intention of including a law in municipal legislation that would allow the creation of these insects in urban areas. The initiative soon gained support and resulted in the approval of the law that authorizes the creation, management, trade and other activities related to colonies of stingless bees, also known as meliponines, within the municipality of Tubarão.

Brazil is home to an impressive diversity of stingless bees, with around 250 described species, each with unique colors and sizes. These tiny insects play a crucial role in pollinating plants, which directly contributes to the health of ecosystems and food production. The absence of a stinger makes bees an attractive option for breeding, as it reduces the risks associated with handling the colonies.

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