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MPSC donates vehicles to the Secretary of State for Health and City Hall of Rancho Queimado

Thirteen vehicles from the fleet of the Public Ministry of Santa Catarina were donated this Tuesday.

The Public Ministry of Santa Catarina (MPSC) donated, this Tuesday (29/8), 13 vehicles to the State Department of Health (SES) and to the City Hall of Rancho Queimado. The symbolic delivery took place at a ceremony at the MPSC Warehouse, in Palhoça. 

From this delivery, 11 vehicles were donated to SES, four Ford/Focus and seven Peugeot 408. Two cars were donated to the Rancho Queimando City Hall, one Ford/Focus and one Renault/Logan. 

The Attorney General of Justice, Fábio de Souza Trajano, spoke about the contribution of the MPSC with this delivery of vehicles. “What symbolizes this moment is the continuity of public service provision, of equipment purchased with resources from Santa Catarina society. It is MPSC practice to donate cars, equipment and electronics in good condition and that can still contribute to the quality of life of the population of Santa Catarina”, he highlighted. 

The Mayor of Rancho Queimado, Cleci Aparecida Veronezi, thanked the donation and highlighted the difference that the vehicles will make in the lives of the citizens of the municipality. “One of these cars will be used to bring children with cancer to CEPON. Today, they often have to leave at five o’clock in the morning because we don’t have transport anymore so that the children can come and go from CEPON at the same time. The other car will be used to transport children who play sports after school and it will also make a lot of difference,” she said. 

The Secretary of the State of Health of Santa Catarina, Carmen Zanotto, highlighted that the vehicles will be destined for the health regions of Chapecó, São Miguel do Oeste, Xanxerê, Blumenau, Jaraguá do Sul, Joinville, Tubarão, Criciúma, Itajaí and Lages, as well as to the central unit. “The vehicles received today will be destined to our control, evaluation and audit services and will serve our population with better quality. With the support of these vehicles, our teams will work more intensively because they won’t have any more difficulties in traveling”, she said.  

One of the vehicles will be destined for Jaraguá do Sul to carry out audits in the contemplated municipalities. The Auditor of the SES Jaraguá do Sul Nucleus, Joice Cristina Cavalheiro Hanisch, who participated in the initiative of requesting the vehicles to the Public Ministry, said that, “through this donation, the Jaraguá do Sul audit team will be able to travel through the 26 municipalities of its scope to carry out the scheduled and requested audits, including by the Public Ministry itself, within health”.  

Also participating in the delivery of vehicles were the Deputy Attorney General for Administrative Affairs, Ariadne Clarissa Klein Sartori, the Secretary General of the MPSC, Claudine Vidal de Negreiros da Silva, the Promoter of Justice Belmiro Hanisch Júnior, the Administrative Auditor and State Component of Auditor of the Unified Health System (SUS), Cleber Astolf Jaime, and the Municipal Secretary of Sports of Rancho Queimado, Alcior Hugen. 

vehicle donation 

The donation of movable property by the Public Prosecutor’s Office is regulated by Act n. 23/2010/PGJ. The write-off of MPSC assets by donation is allowed exclusively for purposes of social interest. The allocation of goods follows the following order of priority: public or private bodies and entities whose activities meet institutional programs or projects or that are of interest to the MPSC’s activities; public bodies of Santa Catarina; municipal public bodies and entities; federal public bodies and entities; and, finally, non-profit private entities.  

Check out more photos below  

Source: MPSC Social Communication Coordination

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