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Music therapy as a promising approach in neurological rehabilitation

Music therapy uses various techniques, based on the effects of musical parameters, in order to help treat various diseases, minimizing physical, cognitive, emotional and mental impairments.

São Paulo, August 29, 2023 –  Neurological rehabilitation has reached new horizons with the incorporation of music therapy as a promising and innovative approach. Recent research has shown that music has a significant impact on the recovery of patients with neurological disorders, such as childhood development disorders, autism, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, among other pathologies and traumatic brain injuries. 

According to Mercier LJ et al. in the article  “Effects of music therapy on mood, pain, and satisfaction in the neurologic inpatient setting”  of 2023 published in the journal Disability and Rehabilitation, there is evidence that rehabilitation treatments using neurological music therapy suggest improvement in mood and pain after a single therapy session. Benefits beyond standard neurorehabilitation therapy include improvements in emotion regulation, pain management, self-perception, pleasure, and social connection. That is, music therapy offers an alternative way to stimulate compromised areas of the brain involving physical and cognitive aspects, such as: motor coordination, speech and memory, learning, among others.  

Music therapy stands out for its unique ability to engage the brain in a holistic way. By using musical stimuli, such as rhythm, melody and harmony, music therapists can direct brain activity to areas affected by neurological damage. This results in improvements in mobility, communication, and cognitive function. “As research continues to explore the mechanisms underlying the benefits of music therapy, the way is paved for a promising future, in which this innovative practice can play a key role in maximizing neurological recovery and improving the quality of life of patients. patients”, explains Rita de Cássia dos Reis Moura, Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Music Therapy at Faculdade Santa Marcelina. 

With the aim of strengthening the performance of this method in neurological rehabilitation, Faculdade Santa Marcelina will provide an extension course in music therapy, taught by professors Denise Suzuki, Michelle Melo and Rita Moura, which includes the principles of applying the technique based on the development of the last decades, as well as the use and understanding of the use for specific diagnoses within the field of neurological rehabilitation for audiences of different age groups (from children to the elderly) and needs, including, but not limited to: Parkinson’s disease, Trauma Brain Skull, Alzheimer’s Disease, stroke, children with speech and language delay, ASD, among other pathologies. 


Faculdade Santa Marcelina, a renowned teaching institution in São Paulo, is accepting enrollments for extension courses in the field of Music for the second half of 2023. Those interested will be able to choose from the seven courses offered by the Faculty, including: Classical albums on rock; Art and broken, Brazilian musicians: funk and its cultural universe; Soundtrack fundamentals in audiovisual; Rock compositional fundamentals – analysis and practice; Music and market in Brazil: from gramophone to streaming; Guitar effects and their use in the construction of artistic expression; Neurological rehabilitation in music therapy: principles and techniques in motricity, language and cognition  

For more information, visit: .  

About Santa Marcelina College

Santa Marcelina College  is an institution maintained by Associação Santa Marcelina – ASM, founded on January 1, 1915 as a philanthropic entity. From the beginning, the principles of guiding, forming and educating youth were the foundations of the work of the Marceline Sisters. In São Paulo, higher education units began their work in the neighborhoods of Perdizes, in 1929, and Itaquera, in 1999. Students are offered all the necessary infrastructure for intellectual and social development, training professionals in undergraduate and graduate courses. -Graduation (Lato Sensu). At the Perdizes unit, the courses offered are: Music, Degree in Music, Visual Arts, Degree in Visual Arts and Fashion. At the Itaquera unit, graduation courses are offered in Psychology, Administration, Accounting, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Medicine, Nutrition, Technology in Radiology and Technology in Aesthetics and Cosmetics. In addition, there is also the option of distance learning courses, which include Administration, Commercial Management, Hospital Management and Human Resources Management.

XCOM Communication Agency Santa Marcelina College


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