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Self-esteem cannot be associated only with the aesthetic factor

“ Unfortunately it is utopian, to think that we are beautiful with pain or depression, the body may even be, but we are not”, reveals an expert

By Dr.  Consuelo Callizo Genes

When we talk about self-esteem and aesthetics, they always think that we want a beautiful body. Yes, we do, but most of us women, what we want is to feel good, and happy with our body, because this leaves our mind light!

Disabling diseases such as endometriosis, which makes us feel pain, often intense, fibroids and adenomyosis that make menstruation look like a hemorrhage, PMS and menopause that make us irritable and/or depressed, thyroid alterations that affect our fat accumulation. These and other pathologies are really the biggest villains that steal our self-esteem.

 Menopause, which brings with it a stigma of “death of being a woman”, after all, if you’ve gone through menopause, you are no one else. Now this is worrying and affects our self-esteem.

 Today we have treatments that remove pain, reduce or stop our bleeding, improve our mood and libido and why not, improve our musculature and our body. Medicine brings more and more knowledge and technology, which allows us to be well and every day “younger and at ease with our aesthetics”.

 Yes, there are exaggerations, but this should not prevent us from using what exists to live better.

 An example is menopause hormone therapy, which removes hot flashes (those uncomfortable hot flashes and sweats that make us ashamed of sweating and asking to turn the air conditioning on and off, cold and hot, phew!!) or restores our libido. , not just sexual, but to see life more colorful. It takes away the pain of a dry vagina in the sexual act. He has no self-esteem to withstand these problems. As my patients say “this is not from God”

 What if hormone therapy can improve my musculature, just aesthetics? No !! I need muscles for balance and even sitting and moving on my own. My posture and body improve and my mind is happy to feel independent and autonomous. I may be elderly in age, but I don’t need to be “old”.

 Today, what I would like is for all women to be able to have treatments to feel good and look beautiful. Beauty can be plump, thin, have scars, because it is in the smile, in the brightness of the eyes, in the movement of being happy and feeling good and healthy.

 Unfortunately, it’s utopian, thinking we’re beautiful with pain or depression, the body may even be, but we’re not. We can and should be happy and look for everything that can help us on this journey. If “this is not from God”, let’s treat and live as we deserve!!!

About Dr. Consuelo Callizo Genes – Gynecologist, Obstetrician and Medical Director of CEPARH and Clínicas Elsimar Coutinho.

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