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Alfredo Wagners News Online

Month: August 2023

September will be sweeter with the IV Virtual Honey Fair of Santa Catarina

This Friday, 01/09, another Virtual Honey Fair in Santa Catarina begins. The Fair, created in 2020, due to the pandemic, is in its fourth edition. Due to the success, the producers decided to keep the platform active, even with the return…

MPF promotes seminar Confronting Neo-Nazism in the South Region in Florianópolis (SC) on September 14 and 15

Initiative by the Federal Attorney for Citizens’ Rights seeks dialogue with researchers, entities linked to the defense of human rights, MP, police and federal government The Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) is going to hold the seminar Confronting Neo-Nazism in the…

Monarchy: left or right?

Monarchical movements popped up in Brazil after 2018 with the opening of groups in several states and cities. The sudden increase in monarchists brought a problem: the lack of knowledge of the younger majority who are unaware of the history…

(Video) Brazilian architect shares experience creating stingless bees inside the apartment

In a small box in the service area lives the colony of Graziele de Souza Soratto da Silva, from Tubarão, Santa Catarina State. It shows the complete process of removing homemade honey and explains the health benefits. Can you imagine having…

Debate on necessary changes in tax reform brought together businessmen and authorities in Joinville

With the main objective of clarifying with the machinery industries of Joinville the impacts of the tax reform in the sector and discussing the necessary changes in PEC 45/2019 before its approval in the Senate, José Velloso, executive president of…