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Alfredo Wagners News Online

Month: August 2023

State Government and Celesc boost photovoltaic growth in SC with three new solar plants

Plants will add 5.0 MW to the installed power generation capacity of the state of Santa Catarina. All projects will be executed by Quantum Company Santa Catarina is experiencing remarkable growth in the photovoltaic sector, consolidating its role as one of…

PSDB rescues toucan symbol, rehabilitates Aécio and seeks a path ‘neither Lula nor Bolsonaro’

BRASÍLIA, DF (FOLHAPRESS) – The PSDB held a seminar this Thursday (24th) in Brasília to present the party’s new guidelines after the defeat in last year’s elections and said it was following a path that did not represent either Jair…

Deputy Jorge Goetten reports on a project that provides for tax rebates for new companies

Proposal presents discounts until companies complete three years of activity The Commission for Industry, Commerce and Services of the Chamber of Deputies approved this week a project that establishes discounts in the Simples Nacional rates in the case of micro…