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Brazil celebrates for the first time the National Day of the Rosary of Men

Procession to the convent of Nossa Senhora da Penha, in Vitória (ES), at the Capixaba meeting of the Terço dos Homens

By  Natalia Zimbrão

The National Day of the Men’s Rosary will be celebrated for the first time in Brazil next Friday, September 8th. The date coincides with the feast of the Nativity of Our Lady. To celebrate this day, regional and diocesan events are scheduled throughout the country. “This is an immense happiness for us, because we had public recognition from the constituted authorities of that country for a movement that wants to propagate the devotion to the holy rosary”, said to ACI Digital the general secretary of the Rosary of Men of Brazil, Glayson Lozer.

The Terço dos Homens is a Catholic movement that was created by Friar Peregrino on September 8, 1936, in Vila da Providência, today in the municipality of Itabi (SE) with approximately 200 men. Currently, around 2.5 million men are members of the movement. They gather in groups to pray the rosary weekly in their parishes, chapels or public squares.

“Men have been praying and making this movement grow for the salvation of souls, for the common good”, said Lozer. According to him, the tercistas “embraced this cause of being attached to the mantle of Our Lady, praying the holy rosary, spreading the devotion to the holy rosary to all corners of Brazil and inviting more men to be part of this immense Marian family called Terço dos Men”.

In commemoration of the first National Day of the Men’s Rosary “there will be various activities, such as events from ecclesiastical provinces, dioceses, parishes”. “Most Rosary for Men groups in the country meet to pray once a week on Monday or Tuesday. But this time especially, many groups will meet on Friday, September 8th, in their parishes”, he said.

In the archdiocese of Curitiba (PR), the date will be celebrated at the Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe and Jesus das Santas Chagas sanctuary, starting at 2:30 pm. There will be a preaching and spirituality of the Men’s Rosary, followed by the prayer of the rosary.

In the cathedral of Curitiba, there will be a prayer of a decade of the rosary, at 3 pm, within the festivities of the patron saint of the city, Nossa Senhora da Luz.

In the archdiocese of São Paulo (SP), the National Day of the Rosary for Men will be celebrated on Saturday (9), at the metropolitan cathedral. According to the archdiocese, about a thousand people should participate from groups in the third of the archdiocese and also from the dioceses of Osasco, Campo Limpo, Santo Amaro, Santo André, São Miguel, Guarulhos, Mogi das Cruz and Santos. The program in São Paulo will begin with a mass at 9 am, followed by sermons and the recitation of the rosary at ground zero of the cathedral.

On the same day, it will be celebrated at the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima, in the archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro, starting at 4 pm, with the participation of the auxiliary bishop Dom Antônio Luiz Catelan. The program begins with a welcome, prayer of the Marian rosary at 5:00 pm and mass at 6:00 pm.

On Sunday (10), the date will be celebrated in “meeting of the ecclesiastical province of Diamantina (MG), which covers the archdiocese of Diamantina and four other dioceses, which are Guanhães, Araçuaí, Teófilo Otoni and Almenara”. The event will take place at Expominas-Pampulha, in Teófilo Otoni, starting at 9 am.

The celebrations extend to the following weekend, between the 15th and 17th of September, when the Terço dos Homens Camp will take place, in the Canção Nova community, in Cachoeira Paulista (SP).

On September 16, men from the third of the state of Paraná will gather at the sanctuary of Nossa Senhora do Rocio, in Paranaguá.

“It is worth remembering that in some places in the country, the municipal or state day of the Rosary of Men will also be celebrated on September 8, also created by law. In the states, there are already nine: Espírito Santo, São Paulo, Bahia, Sergipe, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte, Maranhão, Amapá and Paraná”, said Glayson Lozer.

Natalia Zimbrão holds a degree in Journalism from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. She has been a journalist for ACI Digital since 2015. She has previous experience in magazine, radio and online journalism.

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