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BRDE reinforces its commitment to sustainable development at an international event

Banco represents Santa Catarina among the development institutions in the Common Financial Summit (FiCS) in Colombia.

The Regional Development Bank of the Extreme South (BRDE) participates this week in the fourth edition of the Common Financial Summit (FiCS) held in Cartagena, Colombia. The event brings together the main global players in sustainable finance and aims to strengthen coordination and collaboration between the worldwide network of Public Development Banks (PDBs), high-level governments, delegates from international organizations, representatives of the private sector and civil society. to promote development and align financial flows with the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement.

The president of BRDE, João Paulo Kleinübing, represents the bank with participation in two panels. “BRDE is committed to promoting sustainable development in our region and throughout the country. This global event provides us with a valuable platform to share experiences, partner and learn from other leaders in sustainable finance. We are committed to aligning our operations with the SDGs and contributing to a more equitable and inclusive future,” he underscores.

The event is an opportunity for BRDE and other public development banks to address discussions on innovations in financing for sustainable development and approaches to solving pressing social challenges. The event comprises a total of six plenary sessions, fifteen workshops, five panel discussions and six side events focused on climate change.

Plenary sessions and workshops address four main topics: Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Financial Inclusion, Climate and Biodiversity, Sustainable Infrastructure and the Institutional Agenda for Public Banking. In addition, discussions also encompass four cross-cutting issues: Social Integration and Impact on Development, Mobilization of Private Capital for the SDGs, Collaboration of Public Banking with Civil Society and Inclusion of Human Rights, and the Perspective of Latin America and the Caribbean.

global alignment

BRDE demonstrates its commitment to environmental, social and governance responsibility through its Social, Environmental and Climate Responsibility Policy. The institution seeks to incorporate sustainability and development themes into all its activities and processes, in line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the principles of the Global Compact.

In 2023, around 80% of operations contracted by BRDE are aligned with at least one of the SDGs. In addition, green projects that promote sustainable production and consumption, positive climate action, recycling, waste treatment and low-carbon agriculture also received funding. Gender equality is another alignment, with the BRDE Empreendedoras do Sul Program directing resources to projects aligned with SDG 5.

“BRDE continues its journey to become a Green Bank, offering lines of credit for sustainable projects and promoting the green economy. This initiative is an integral part of the institution’s vision of the future, which seeks to generate lasting, inclusive prosperity and a high quality of life for all, while preserving the environment. Acting as a public financial development institution, BRDE offers long-term financing for investments, transforming projects into realities and promoting the competitiveness of enterprises of all sizes”, reinforces Kleinübing.

About FiCS

FiCS is an initiative launched in France in 2020, bringing together more than 520 public development banks from all regions, as well as regional networks, international organizations, representatives of the private sector, academia, civil society organizations and local actors. This is the world summit of Public Banking for Development, with the objective of aligning the global financial system with the Paris Agreement, promoting sustainable financing through innovative financial solutions, thus contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ).

Photos: Juliana Roll

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