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“Connection with home goes beyond decoration”, says renowned interior designer Caroline Von Jelita

A reference in the Santa Catarina market, a specialist gives a lecture on spaces of significance at the Salão do Imóvel da Grande Florianópolis, in partnership with Sinduscon Grande Florianópolis

 “Connecting with home goes far beyond decoration and design. It is an emotional journey that allows us to transform homes into spaces of meaning. When we cultivate that connection, we create an environment where we can truly thrive and find joy.” This will be the tone of the lecture “The Importance of Connecting with Home: Transforming Homes into Meaningful Spaces”, by Caroline Von Jelita, during the Greater Florianópolis Property Fair, in Centrosul, from 15 to 17 this month, in the Capital from Santa Catarina.

Renowned interior designer, Caroline highlights how the connection with the residences is fundamental for the emotional, psychological and physical of the residents. “The connection to home is important because it affects our emotional, mental and physical health, our relationships and our sense of self. Cultivating a positive and nurturing home environment can significantly contribute to a balanced and fulfilling life,” she notes.

According to her, the lecture will help people to take practical actions that improve space in homes or offices. “I will give practical tips that can be easily replicated, I will share inspiring examples of how other people have transformed their homes into meaningful spaces, and beyond all that, they will leave with the awareness that our home is the most important place, as it is to it we return to seek shelter and refuge”. 

Caroline anticipated some tips on how to create a welcoming environment:

1 – Have plants at home – this can improve air quality and bring a touch of nature indoors.

2 – Use ambient lighting – soft, adjustable lights create different moods at different times of day

3 – Invest in scents – pleasant scents can also impact mood and well-being. Use scented candles, essential oils or incense 

4 – Music is an ally – create music playlists that make you feel right at home

5 – Keep the environment clean and organized – this demonstrates respect for space and can help create a sense of order and stability

Salão do Imóvel 2023 is a partnership with Sinduscon Grande Florianópolis. And the expectation is that more than seven thousand people pass through the event. 


Greater Florianópolis Real Estate Hall

Location: Centrosul, Florianópolis

When: September 15th to 17th

Free entrance

More information on the website:

All Press Communication

Daiana Constantino/Journalist 

Professional Registration: SC 5048

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