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Honey and derivatives producers broaden horizons at international meeting

The trade mission of the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA) made up of rural honey and derivatives entrepreneurs participates in the 48th International Beekeeping Congress – Apimondia Santiago, the main international event in the sector, held in Chile this week.

The mission brings together 38 members, including rural producers and partner institutions, and is part of Agro.BR, a partnership between CNA and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) which aims to expand and diversify the export basket.

During the fair, businessmen will take guided tours of the event and will be in contact with buyers through business meetings conducted by CNA. Entrepreneurs will also be able to closely observe local consumption.

According to the Trade Promotion coordinator of the CNA International Relations Board, Rodrigo da Matta, in addition to the trade bias, the fair is also an important learning space. “We will have access to specific technical knowledge for the sector, in addition to being updated with trends and technologies aimed at the production of honey and derivatives”, he explains.

The mission also has an institutional Apex-Brasil stand where businessmen will exhibit their products. “This is a unique opportunity for businessmen to present Brazilian honey, and have business meetings during the fair with several international buyers”, said CNA’s International Relations advisor, Rita Padilla

Technical visits – As part of the program, the members of the mission carried out, on Saturday (2), a series of technical visits to companies in Santiago, Chile. According to Rita, the aim was to put rural entrepreneurs in contact with distributors and buyers, always focusing on commercial areas of interest.

The mission visited the All Free company, a platform for selling natural products, and three supermarket chains with physical stores in Santiago and online distribution: Tottus, Unimarc and Cencosud – Jumbo.

The businessmen also participated, on Friday (1st), in a seminar promoted by the CNA where information on regulatory issues for bee products in Chile, certifications, import and distribution of products in the Chilean market were presented.

The honey and derivatives sector is one of the priorities of the Agro.BR project, with around 300 registered rural entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs have technical assistance for training, support for export plans, personalized consultancy, access to business roundtables and events in the sector, as well as support in an office abroad (Singapore, Dubai and Shanghai).

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