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Rain does not keep Alfredenses away from civic parade

The 7th of September Parade is a tradition that attracts people from Alfred and in 2023, the rainy weather was not enough to keep them away from the celebrations of the Independence of Brazil.

September 7th is celebrated as one of the most important holidays in the country, since the Proclamation of Independence of Brazil in 1822. One of the most outstanding traditions on this date is the civic parade, which brings together thousands of people across the country.

The custom of large civic parades dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, when Marshal Hermes da Fonseca, then President of the Republic, determined that the military should parade during the September 7 celebrations throughout the country. The objective was to demonstrate the country’s military power by taking advantage of the celebrations of the date.

Over time, civic parades became increasingly popular and began to include, in addition to the armed forces, also schools, marching bands, folk groups and other organizations. The parades became a way of demonstrating the patriotism and unity of the Brazilian people around the nation.

Nowadays, civic parades are held in practically every city in the country on September 7th and schools are usually the main organizers, with their students parading in uniforms and flags. It is also common for scout groups, service clubs, neighborhood associations and other civic organizations to participate.

Alfredo Wagner is no different. This year, in addition to municipal authorities: Mayor Gilmar Sani, Secretary of Education Prof. Beatris Silvestre Onofre and Councilors, from the Silva Jardim Basic Education School and Municipal Schools, also paraded the APAE students.

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