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Suassuna Institute supports Yellow September and shares calendar of lives

Suicide prevention and awareness of the importance of mental health are highlights of the month

Reinforcing the importance of treating mental health seriously and with empathy is the focus of the so-called Yellow September, a suicide prevention campaign that takes place throughout the month of September. Created in Brazil, this campaign brings together several actions and events that aim to disseminate information and offer support to people facing emotional crises. 

The Suassuna Institute, a body that organizes and holds congresses, seminars, workshops and extensions aimed at psychology professionals, participates in and supports Yellow September through its actions. Together with the Umbiguinho Network of Obstetric Psychologists, a series of actions and lives will be carried out with themes that cover mental health.

According to Danilo Suassuna, creator of the Suassuna Institute, Yellow September is the time to reinforce the importance of seeking psychological and emotional support at any stage of life. “Both society and public authorities must join forces to create an environment of support and understanding of the internal issues of each individual”, he states. 

According to the psychologist, it is necessary to increase awareness about suicide prevention around the world. He explains that suicidal behavior profoundly impacts families and communities and is a public health challenge. “The objectives of the campaign include promoting information, such as alerting people to signs of people asking for help, and the importance of investing in mental health for everyone.” 

According to the WHO, more than 700,000 people die by suicide each year and almost 77% of all global suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries.

Check out some actions by the Umbiguinhos Network of Obstetric Psychologists that receive support from the Suassuna Institute this September: 

Welcoming pregnant and postpartum women

September 12th and 26th

Booking via Instagram direct @karla.ceravolo

Choose to Live Movement 

September 16

8:00 am

Flamboyant Park (Goiás) – Jardim Goiás sector, Goiânia – GO

September 30th

Wheel for pregnant and postpartum women

9:00 am

Mater Dei Premium Hospital – Av. T-4, 1445 – St. Bueno, Goiânia 

Live calendar on Instagram @karla.ceravolo

11/09 at 8pm – The importance of perinatal and obstetric psychologists for maternal mental health (Ana Júlia)

09/12 at 7pm – Managing anxiety in maternal care (Roxanny)

09/13 at 7pm -Yellow September and the importance of taking care of those you love (Anna Assunção)

09/15 at 9am – The impact of the support network on maternal mental health (Daniella Munhoz)

09/19 at 7pm – Postpartum depression (Elen Pereira)

09/20 at 9am – Royal Maternity, Behind the Scenes of Love (Lívia Itacaramby)

09/21 at 7pm – The importance of maternal self-care (Elen Pereira)

09/22 at 9am – The biopsychosocio-spiritual mother (Daniela Munhoz)

09/27 at 8pm – Mental health in the postpartum period: is it possible? (Daniela Munhoz)

Danilo Suassuna

PhD in Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (2008), has a degree in Psychology from the same institution. Author of the book “Stories of Gestalt Therapy – A Historiographical Study”. Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás and the Lato-Sensu Specialization Course in Gestalt Therapy at ITGT-GO. Coordinator of NEPEG ITGT gerontology studies and research center. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica. Ad-hoc consultant for the magazine Psicologia in Revista PUC-Minas (2011).

About the Suassuna Institute

The Suassuna Institute holds congresses, seminars, workshops and extensions aimed at psychology professionals. And for this, it has a team of education specialists. The institute uses Google for Education to transform the way students and teachers learn, work and innovate together. The methodology used transforms teaching into learning, allowing students to evolve at their own pace, resulting in creative problem solvers and efficient collaborators.

Everything is designed and delivered with the aim of directing products, employees, programs and philanthropy towards a future in which students have access to the quality education they deserve and, in doing so, can transform the world. For more information, visit  or on social media: @institutosuassuna 

Lara Communication

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