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New cell phone virus accesses PIX and cleans the entire account balance; learn how to protect yourself

A company specializing in security software discovered a virus that steals PIX values ​​from an infected cell phone without the person noticing. The threat only affects devices with an Android system.

According to the technology company Kaspersky, the virus disguises itself as a program installed on the cell phone and manages to exchange the PIX key for that of a criminal during a bank transfer. In addition to changing the destination of the money, the virus changes the value of the transfer, based on how much the victim has in the bank.

The only sign of the process is a small tremor on the screen, which happens during the invasion. A video circulating on social media shows the moment a person tries to transfer R$1, but, before entering the password, they go back to check the amount. The name and other person and the amount of R$636.95 now appear on the screen. If the victim hadn’t come back to check, they would only realize the scam after checking the statement.

The virus was named Brats and has been detected more than 1500 times since January, according to the software company. It is usually hidden in an application that is downloaded outside of the official Google store.

This happens when the victim accesses a website that says that if the person downloads an extension application, they will earn money. The application then asks the person to update and requires an accessibility permission to be released.

If the person does not give accessibility permission, the malware cannot carry out the fraud. Therefore, to avoid infection, it is important not to install applications outside the official Android store and not to grant accessibility permissions. Having an antivirus on your smartphone is also a form of protection.

Itatiaia Editorial Team

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