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40°C winter in SC breaks temperature records

In this last week of winter 2023, which ends on 23/09, summer temperatures were recorded in SC, with maximums close to 40°C on Monday, 18/09 (Figure 1). That’s right, 40°C in the middle of Santa Catarina’s winter, the coldest season of the year! In Criciúma, on the South Coast, thermometers reached 40.7°C in the afternoon. And this was the highest maximum temperature in SC in 2023, so far, surpassing the records from last summer, January and February 2023.

In Table 1, the various locations in Vale do Itajaí, Planaltos and Litoral can be seen, where 18/09 broke records for maximum temperatures  for September , considering the entire historical series of seasons (around 10 to 15 years). The absolute records for these municipalities were not broken, as most occurred in summer months in previous years (Table 1). The maximum temperature of 43.8°C, recorded in Criciúma on 12/25/2012, is the highest recorded in the State. In the months of September, the maximum record for SC remains 41.3°C, also recorded in Criciúma, on 16/09/2019.

The winter of 2023 was marked by long periods of heat in SC, due to the influence of the El Niño phenomenon. And does this unseasonal heat indicate a warmer spring? See more about the high temperatures of 2023 on the Epagri/Ciram website.

Figure 1 –  Maximum temperature in SC on 09/18/2023. Meteorological stations from Epagri, Inmet and other institutions. Data subject to subsequent correction.

Table 1 –  Maximum temperature records for September, recorded on 09/18/2023, and absolute records in SC. Epagri/Inmet meteorological stations. Data subject to subsequent correction.

Climatological RegionStationOwnerRecord set and biggest
Given a greater
Data Recorde
Fpolis SerranaRancho Queimado – Vinícola TerramiliaEpagri30,118/09/202334,207/02/2014
Fpolis SerranaMajor Gercino – CampinhoEpagri32,2218/09/202335,8410/02/2014
Fpolis SerranaRancho Queimado – INMETINMET31,318/09/202333,213/10/2019
Fpolis SerranaLeoberto Leal – Rio EmilianoEpagri34,4718/09/202339,2210/01/2020
Litoral NorteItajaí – EE_Epagri/AutomatizadaEpagri31,9218/09/202338,6703/01/2019
Litoral NorteJaraguá do Sul – Barra do Rio CerroEpagri38,5518/09/202343,7702/10/2020
Litoral NorteIlhota – Braço do baúEpagri32,7118/09/202340,2903/01/2019
Litoral NorteCorupá – Santa IsabelEpagri39,5218/09/202342,9302/10/2020
Litoral NorteCorupá – GuarajuvaEpagri37,618/09/202341,0930/01/2019
Litoral NorteCamboriú – Salto dos PilõesEpagri35,9218/09/202340,4203/01/2019
Litoral SulUrussanga – EE_Epagri/AutomatizadaEpagri40,0418/09/202341,0202/10/2019
Litoral SulJaguaruna – Campo Experimental/EpagriEpagri39,6318/09/202339,6318/09/2023
Litoral SulBalneário Arroio do Silva – BOOA/UFSCUFSC35,6918/09/202337,5424/02/2019
Litoral SulUrussanga – INMETINMET39,818/09/202342,125/12/2012
Litoral SulGravatal – EpagriEpagri39,9118/09/202341,7913/10/2019
Litoral SulRio Fortuna – Rio CaféEpagri36,6318/09/202336,9418/02/2020
Planalto NorteCanoinhas – IFSCEpagri32,6918/09/202334,6423/01/2022
Planalto NorteIrineópolis – Poço PretoEpagri34,0518/09/202336,8602/10/2020
Planalto NorteTrês Barras – São JoãoEpagri34.3709/18/202336.6812/21/2021
South PlateauMorro da Igreja – INMETINMET24.409/18/202326.702/04/2010
South PlateauUrubici – Vacas Gordas – CDLCDL/Urubici27.9309/18/202331.1901/23/2022
South PlateauBom Retiro – João PauloEpagri31.2209/18/202334.4212/15/2018
Itajaí ValleyIndaial – INMETINMET36.909/18/202340.502/08/2014
Itajaí ValleyItuporanga- Cerro NegroEpagri34.8709/18/202337.7501/23/2022
Itajaí ValleyAtalanta – HunterEpagri33.5809/18/202336.8801/23/2022
Itajaí ValleyChapadão do Lageado – FlorestalEpagri32.3409/18/202335.9801/23/2022
Itajaí ValleyItuporanga – Bela VistaEpagri32.609/18/202334.5312/14/2018
Itajaí ValleyPetrolândia – Tifa DoernerEpagri34.3309/18/202337.6301/23/2022
Itajaí ValleyImbuia – FernEpagri32.3109/18/20233401/31/2019
Itajaí ValleyOtters – PioneersEpagri36.9609/18/202338.6710/13/2019

Marcelo Martins and Laura Rodrigues – Meteorologists (Epagri/Ciram)

Maikon Alves and Anderson Monteiro – Meteorology Technician (Epagri/Ciram)

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