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Regional price survey updates agricultural production costs in the state

During the month of September, technicians from the National Supply Company (Conab) carry out research with producers and agents in the agricultural sector in Santa Catarina to assess the prices paid for agricultural inputs. The information will support the updating of production costs for corn, onions, tomatoes, black and colored beans, rice, apples and passion fruit, whose crops are located in the main producing regions of the state.

The scope of the work involves the municipalities of Campos Novos, Alfredo Wagner, Caçador, Canoinhas, Massaranduba, Meleiro, Palmitos, São Joaquim and Sombrio. The research is carried out remotely, with producers, cooperatives, agricultural stores, machinery and implement resellers, and also with local technical assistance bodies.

The prices of inputs used during the production cycle and which make up the final cost of production are collected, such as the use of pesticides, agricultural machinery and implements, improvements, land prices, the use of seeds and fertilizers, energy costs electricity and labor.

The deadline for information on regional prices in Conab’s Agricultural and Supply Information System (Siagro) is October 4th. After this date, the results will be evaluated, compiled and made available on the Conab Portal.

The price survey is carried out at different intervals, depending on the crop, and aims to update information about the factors that make up the costs of each production cycle. Thus, it is possible to monitor the evolution of prices and provide support to the areas responsible within the Company for developing public policies, including the establishment of minimum prices.

Conab Press Office

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