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State Government launches “Live a state of joy” to promote tourism

With the aim of awakening the public’s desire to get to know the state, the State Government, through the State Secretariat for Tourism, launched the new Santa Catarina tourist brand ABAV Expo 2023, one of the biggest tourism events in Brazil, held in Rio of January.

Accompanied by the slogan “Live a state of joy”, the brand seeks to highlight the riches and diversity of Santa Catarina, a perfect place to visit at all times of the year.

The sound of the sea and the wind accompany the music chosen for the theme of this promotional video, presented during ABAV, in an invitation to experience a state of joy in all the stunning landscapes of the State of Santa Catarina.

In the scenario of restructuring tourism in Santa Catarina,  Santa Catarina is present at ABAV Expo 2023 , one of the biggest tourism events in Brazil. During the event, the new tourism brand was presented in partnership with Sebrae SC.

ABAV Expo, which takes place on the 27th, 28th and 29th of September, is a unique opportunity for Santa Catarina to show the world its commitment to the tourism sector. The State, under the leadership of Governor Jorginho Mello and Secretaries Evandro Neiva and Catiane Seif, has been working hard to reposition Santa Catarina as a complete tourist product, highlighting all its stations and the diversity of experiences it offers.

Santa Catarina’s participation in ABAV Expo represents a significant milestone in this journey of transformation. The event brings together the main players in the sector and establishes connections with the main distribution channel for Brazilian tourism: travel agents.

“The presentation of Santa Catarina’s new tourism brand at ABAV Expo is a fundamental step in our journey of transformation and repositioning. Together with Governor Jorginho Mello and in collaboration with Sebrae SC, we are committed to showing the world the diverse and unique tourism potential that our state offers. This new brand symbolizes our commitment to the sector and our determination to highlight all the seasons and experiences that make Santa Catarina an unmissable destination. We are excited about the opportunity to establish connections and partnerships with travel agents and other tourism traders during this important event” said Evandro Neiva, Secretary of Tourism.

Photo: Eduardo Valente/ GOV SC

Carrying the  slogan  “Live a state of joy” , the new brand seeks to present the richness and diversity of the tourist potential that the state has. By presenting the new brand and its tourism strategies, Santa Catarina seeks to strengthen its presence in the market and attract even more visitors. Furthermore, participation in the event offers countless business opportunities, strengthening the brand and destination, training and a showcase for launches and news.

About ABAV

ABAV is the largest entity representing the interests of travel agencies in Brazil, and its fundamental mission is to promote the development of national tourism and defend the interests of the tourism industry and its members. Santa Catarina joins this commitment in search of a bright future for tourism in the state.

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