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Home and Decoration sector grows in Brazil and generates more than 458 thousand jobs

The survey carried out by ABCasa, in partnership with IEMI, highlights the significant impacts of the segment on the economy and the job market

Activity in the homewares, decoration, gifts and housewares sector shows growth even amid post-pandemic economic uncertainties. According to the Market Study carried out by ABCasa (Brazilian Association of Home Articles, Decoration, Gifts, Housewares, Parties and Flowers), in partnership with IEMI (Market Intelligence), the sector moved an impressive amount of R$ 96 billion in 2022, reflecting remarkable resilience and steady demand for these products.

The sector’s performance played a fundamental role in creating new jobs in Brazil, with more than 458 thousand direct jobs created in 2022. In addition, local production of homeware, decoration, gifts and housewares reached R$54 billion, in net values, without taxes.

The analysis also highlights 238.8 thousand points of sale, including 135.2 thousand retailers specializing in home items, decoration, gifts and housewares, in addition to 103.6 thousand POS (Points of Sale) of non-specialized retail, with stores of departments, varieties and home centers. It is noteworthy that together, last year, they employed a total of 2.7 million people in retail.

“It is worth highlighting that wholesale companies supply national and imported products, expanding job opportunities, from distribution to sales. This not only promotes the creation of direct jobs, but also generates a series of indirect opportunities in different areas of the sector. We stand out, not only for contributing to the strengthening of the economy, but also for the continuous growth of the job market”, says Eduardo Cincinato, President of ABCasa.

About ABCasa

The Brazilian Association of Home Articles, Decoration, Gifts, Housewares, Parties, Flowers and Textiles – ABCasa, is a non-profit entity, which is the most representative of the sector. Its main objective is to strengthen the segment and create a basis for relationships between companies, professional associations, suppliers, distributors, importers and professionals.

With more than 650 members, the organization helps to mature the home and celebration items market, offering content, sectoral studies and organizing important events that generate excellent business opportunities for members.

Vanessa Tófano

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