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Protect your electronics from discharges or power outages

Investing in devices such as stabilizers, line filters and UPSs can make all the difference in cases of electrical instability

Despite the 187% increase in kilometers in length in 23 years, our current power transmission lines in Brazil still have a long way to go and power outages are common events in everyone’s daily lives. The consequence of this is people who accumulate several losses after having their electronics damaged. However, simple measures can be adopted to minimize losses and prevent electronics and appliances from “burning out” or having their functioning impaired.

The best way to protect sensitive devices, such as computers, televisions, stereos, among others, is to turn them off when voltage variations or blackouts occur. However, this is not always possible and, therefore, it is interesting to think about purchasing specialized devices that will prevent damage. According to Otogair Fernando Almeida, a specialist at Fujioka, there are three main protective equipment: stabilizers, UPSs and line filters.

“Protecting electronics is crucial to maintaining the durability and functionality of each device, as variations in voltage in the electrical network generate breakdowns in components and problems with equipment that are often imperceptible at first, but which shorten their life. useful,” he explains. He also explains that before making a choice it is necessary to evaluate all needs and the electrical environment in which they will be used.

Understand each device

  • Stabilizers: as the name suggests, it is designed to keep the mains voltage stable, preventing sudden fluctuations that can damage electronics. When detecting a variation in input voltage, the stabilizer works by adjusting the energy to a constant level before it can reach the connected devices. What electronics can be protected: desktop computers and laptops; monitors; printers.; audio and video equipment.
  • UPSs: are responsible for maintaining the connection even in cases of power outages. Equipped with internal batteries, they come into action when the main power is interrupted, so the person can continue using their electronic device for a short period of time and turn it off safely, avoiding the loss of the work being developed. and damage to devices. Which electronics can be protected: computers and servers; routers and modems; sensitive medical equipment; security systems; and all products that stabilizers also protect.
  • Line Filters: the most practical and affordable on the list. They serve to increase the number of available sockets, in addition to preventing the passage of high currents to electronic equipment and, thus, increasing their useful life. They make it possible to connect a series of devices to the light, such as printers, video games, TVs and other types of nearby devices. Its circuits attenuate voltage fluctuations, reduce electromagnetic interference and filter electrical disturbances. What electronics can be protected: TVs and home theater systems; office equipment; entertainment apparatus; USB charge devices.

My electronic device burned out. What to do?

The consumer has the right to request cash compensation for damaged equipment. A resolution from the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) stipulates that the complaint can be made directly to the energy concessionaire within 90 days. The broken device must remain stored.

Once this is done, the company responsible for supplying energy has a period of ten days to inspect the damaged asset. And then another 15 days to respond to the consumer whether or not there will be a refund. If reimbursement is denied, the consumer can contact Procon in their city to try to reach an agreement with the company providing the service.

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Dora Teruel

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