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Who cares about the spiral of hate?

Brutal, terrorist, inhumane, bestial, horrendous and all other adjectives are insufficient to qualify the attack on the Israeli civilian population

Who cares about the spiral of hate?

Brutal, terrorist, inhumane, bestial, horrendous and all other adjectives are insufficient to qualify the attack on the Israeli civilian population. The reasons for the attack are the most diverse: whether due to the geopolitical moment, in which Israel has been making and even creating peace with its neighbors and normalizing its presence in the region, especially with the rich and powerful Saudi Arabia, or due to the atrocities that the The current Prime Minister of Israel has been attacking his country’s democracy by trying to limit the powers of the Israeli supreme court , the only one to restrict the actions of the executive, in a weakened situation of checks and balances. However, nothing justifies such acts, notably because Hamas has never hidden that it really wants the complete and complete destruction of Israel, including its civilians, be they Jews, Christians or even Muslims.

Also, obviously, the Hamas terrorists did not act shameful and published the atrocities, to the horror of the victims and their families – some saw their own being vilified live – and showed them to the world to make it clear that they are not the type with whom you can at least have any type of conversation or any living arrangement. In other words, they undermined any possibility of peace in a short space of time.

What is certain is that the Israeli response must be responsible, to the point of eradicating such a nefarious enemy, as no country would tolerate this neighbor, in this Israel cannot be any different. What is unfortunately imposing – and will impose – a lot of suffering on the civilian population of Gaza, which has nothing to do with Hamas and, in reality, is also its victim. In other words, these Hamas terrorists hate Israelis, Jews and other non-Arabs. They understand that the Great Saladin left Arabia just for them, and that other populations, such as the Jews, have no right to exist in the region, as well as their hatred of the Jews is greater than their love for life and their own citizens. Proof of this is that they know that the response has to be ruthless, but they don’t care about their population. In fact, they use it as a human shield in daycare centers and hospitals. There is only one name to give to this hatred: fanaticism. To reinforce the argument here, suffice it to say that there is no other people that we hear about as a suicide bomber, nor any other people that still talk about jihad or holy war, something that Western civilization remembers as a historical term.

And that’s my point here. The Muslim religion did not go through an enlightenment, it did not understand the value of the secular state, it does not understand the benefits and riches of diversity. In other words, they have been civilizational centuries behind other Westerners. They can use computers, cell phones and cutting-edge technology, but their minds are behind. They live in the past and want, through their fanaticism and blind hatred, to continue that way. Only an enlightenment that completely dissociates the basic rights of citizens from religion will change this state of things. And, to this end, there is no interest in change, since who else is profiting from “one of the largest humanitarian aids in the world” (given to the Gaza strip). It is exactly these people who reinforce radical religious concepts in their madrassas and mosques. And less religious people, on the other hand, feel at fault with religion and let the fanatics take it as if only they had the truth or the possible answer to the Muslim divine world. And hate feeds on itself. Or better said, terrorists attack, are hunted and counterattacked. Civilians die, churches ask the heavens for revenge, and so the wheel turns. This hatred has been perpetrated and cooked for a long time. Of course, the Palestinians know that Hamas will fight and that the population averse to them will suffer, there is no other logic.

The civilized world should cry out for this enlightenment in the Arab world. Barring this, we will remain in endless wars of who can do the most, who is the strongest, and in this case the civilian populations who want nothing more than to live in peace will suffer.

Nilton Serson,

He was President of the Community Fund

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