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Corporate education in the franchise universe

Trends show that the segment is rapidly transforming in Brazil

In the first quarter, the franchise market accelerated its growth rate, showing an increase of 19.1% in nominal terms compared to the same period of the previous year, which indicates a continued rise. The sector as a whole generated revenue in excess of R$60 billion, with emphasis on the education segment, which generated revenue in excess of R$3 billion.

Current trends reveal a rapid transformation in corporate education in Brazil, driven by technological innovation and the need for companies to maintain their competitiveness in a constantly evolving market. Therefore, investing in this segment becomes an excellent alternative for entrepreneurs who want to stand out in the market.

Investors have a great opportunity with the Sales Funnel™. Its innovative and exclusive business proposal attracts entrepreneurs interested in replicating training strategies and achieving high monthly revenues. The company stands out for its courses focused on structuring commercial processes, associated with a CRM, the only one in Brazil to include gamification elements. Thus, the brand establishes itself as a reference in technology and commercial education, meeting the demand for more efficient methods. Furthermore, with an estimated return on investment of between 3 to 6 months and full support, the network offers an attractive and profitable business model.

“We are the first franchise 100% focused on structuring commercial processes in Latin America, with an innovative approach and we are ready to continue revolutionizing the franchising segment. Creating new quality parameters in training and business technology”, concludes Guilherme Sales, partner and responsible for expanding the network.

Since entering the franchising market in November 2023, the network has stood out, presenting a notable increase of 31% in its technological operation, 41.5% in its educational operation and revenue of R$2.1 million last year, the company demonstrates its determination to achieve even more ambitious goals.

For 2024, the chain has set an expansion target of 40%, aiming to end the period with 63 franchised units in operation and revenue exceeding R$30 million. Since entering the sector, the brand has expanded the number of units by 400% with 10 in operation to date.


Start Model: The franchisee himself is responsible for selling and implementing the training, without the need for additional infrastructure.

Total initial investment: R$50 thousand

Franchise fee: 25 thousand

Working capital: 25 thousand

Advertising fund: none

Royalties: 7%

Average monthly revenue per unit: above R$32 thousand

Average monthly profit per unit: 50 to 70%

Investment return period: 3 months

Contract duration: 5 years

Smart Model: Franchisee has a team to support sales and delivery of training.

Total initial investment: R$75 thousand

Franchise fee: 25 thousand

Working capital: 50 thousand

Royalties: 7%

Average monthly revenue per unit: 50 thousand

Average monthly profit per unit: 50% to 70%

Investment return period: 3 to 6 months

Contract duration: 5 years

Full Model: Physical unit for implementing open training.

Total initial investment: R$100 thousand

Franchise fee: 25 thousand

Working capital: 75 thousand

Royalties: 7%

Average monthly revenue per unit: 80 thousand

Average monthly profit per unit: 40% to 60%

Return on investment period: 6 months

Contract duration: 5 years

About the Sales Funnel

The Sales Funnel™, since 2012, has been the evolution of sales education in Brazil. With more than 5 thousand companies and 30 thousand students impacted, it generated more than R$8.8 billion in revenue for its customers. Creator of the Sales Funnel™ method in the country, the company operates in three main areas: Technology with its CRM Software, Education offering sales innovation training, and Educational franchises to train entrepreneurs in applying the method through training. In November 2023, it expanded into the educational franchise market, shaping the future of sales in Brazil. In its 14 years of existence, its purpose is to transform people and companies through sales, following the motto: If it’s not simple, it doesn’t work!

Kaisa Romagnoli

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