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Fernando Vítolo, Heródoto Barbeiro and Nilo Frateschi Jr. launch a book that discusses the future of broadcasting in Brazil

Work published by publisher Almedina Brasil shows how to make successful programs on different audio platforms

The authors of “100 years of radio in Brazil” came together again to launch the title  Manual do New Rádio: practical guide to creating successful programs on all platforms . Published by  Almedina Brasil , the novelty is written by  Fernando Vítolo, Heródoto Barbeiro and Nilo Frateschi Jr. , references in radio broadcasting in Brazil.

In celebration of the 101st anniversary of radio in the country, the work explores the future of this beloved medium present in the lives of all Brazilians. With practical guidelines and an approach to current topics, such as the influence of the internet, social networks, video integration and even artificial intelligence, the launch is positioned as an essential tool to face the challenges of what the authors call “New Radio”.

With more than 100 testimonials from journalists, advertisers, broadcasters, teachers, communicators and internet experts, the work offers a comprehensive and diverse view of the sector. The testimonials can be accessed through QR Codes, allowing readers to watch the speeches directly on their mobile devices.

Ratinho, Danilo Gentili, Diguinho Coruja, Adriana Reid, Lívia Zanolini, the Piologo brothers, Thiago Uberreich, Hugo Rodrigues, Olga Bongiovanni, Marcelo Duarte, Milton Jung are some of the personalities who contributed to the book’s teachings, which total around 10 hours of exclusive content.

Explore how new media is redefining how to reach audiences and learn how to differentiate fads from solid platforms, use innovative production and exhibition tools, and stand out in a competitive market.

Launch in São Paulo

New Rádio Manual: practical guide to creating successful programs on all platforms  will be launched on July 6th, 10am to 12pm, in the auditorium of the Ipiranga Museum, in São Paulo.

The event will feature a talk show with the authors, an autograph session and even a caricature with cartoonist Érico San Juan. Érico is the creator of the comic “Dito, o bendito” which is spread throughout the book illustrating some chapters and is also one of the testimonials of the work.

Registration to attend the launch can be  done here .

For more details about the project, visit the  official website .


Book:  New Rádio Manual: practical guide to creating successful programs on all platforms
Authors:  Fernando Vítolo, Heródoto Barbeiro and Nilo Frateschi Jr.
Publisher:  Almedina Brasil 
ISBN:  978-6587019901
Pages:  276
Price:  R$ 79.00
Where find:  Almedina Brazil  |  Amazon 

About the authors

Fernando Vítolo, Heródoto Barbeiro and Nilo Frateschi Jr, are experienced and respected professionals in their fields. Heródoto Barbeiro is a lawyer, historian, journalist and commentator for R7 and Record News, as well as being an anchor for Nova Brasil FM. Fernando Vítolo is an entrepreneur, content producer for YouTube and podcasts, and also has an internet interview program. Nilo Frateschi Jr is an advertiser and has extensive experience in radio, having worked on several stations and participated in the creation of the BandNews FM Network.

About the publisher 

Founded in 1955, in Coimbra, Almedina, now part of the Alta Books Editorial Group, is proud to publish works that contribute to critical thinking and reflection. Leader in legal editions in Portugal, the publisher publishes titles on Philosophy, Administration, Economics, Social and Human Sciences, Education and Literature. In its commitment to the dissemination of knowledge, it expands its borders overseas and today brings books to the Brazilian public on current topics, in tune with the needs of a society in constant change.  

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Misael Freitas

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