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There will be more sex with robots than with humans, warns futurologist

A futurologist named Ian Pearson believes that by 2025, women will have more sex with robots than with men. Furthermore, Pearson says that by 2050, sex with robots will become more common than sex with humans.

Pearson’s thesis, which was shared by online adult toy retailer Bondara, is based on the fact that women are more likely to use accessories such as vibrators – a trend that he says has grown significantly in recent years. Well, Pearson says it won’t be long before sex with robots becomes more popular than watching porn.

“Many people will still have reservations about sex with robots at first. But I think that – gradually, as they get used to them, as the AI ​​and mechanical behaviour and feel improve and they start to become friends with strong emotional bonds – those qualms will gradually evaporate,” the futurologist said according to The Sun.

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