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Sex Day: Women with little sex life have a higher risk of mortality, study finds

Doctor explains that low sexual activity can be harmful for both genders

In the month in which  Sex Day is celebrated (September 6) , we often recall the famous phrase “sex is life”. But is it true? According to the study  “Connection between depression, sexual frequency and all-cause mortality: findings from a nationally representative study” , published in July of this year in the  Journal Of Psychosexual Health , the less sex a woman has, the greater her risk of mortality.

Although researchers have not found a relationship between mortality and sex life in men,  Dr. Marcelo Bechara ,  a clinical physician and general surgeon , reports that an unbalanced sex life may be common for both genders.

“Being sexually inactive involves numerous factors, from a lack of communication between a couple, stress and even hormonal issues, such as low libido. The latter is very common, for both men and women, and even though it is an everyday occurrence, it should be taken seriously, investigating the cause and following a treatment for improvement”, says  Marcelo .

According to the study, researchers were also able to understand a relationship between the positive sexual effects on depression and the health of both genders.

Marcelo , who treats several cases of sexual dysfunction in his clinic, explains why there is a close link between sex and improved mental health. “Sex releases several hormones into the bloodstream that promote well-being, help control blood pressure, heart rate and emotional well-being. Being sexually healthy is closely linked to a better life,” says the specialist.

And between pleasure and movement, hormones are also prominent in the body. In a balanced way,  testosterone ,  estradiol ,  oxytocin ,  serotonin  and  dopamine work together , mainly. From this, neurotransmitters are able to stabilize the reward hormones in the human body.

Being sexually healthy depends on multiple factors, but it is important to always keep an eye on your hormones, because most hormonal dysfunctions can manifest as low libido and, in some cases, difficulty getting an erection. Both men and women should undergo a complete clinical evaluation, which includes indicators of hormone levels and general health conditions. “We always think in an integrative way about this problem, researching issues involving vitamins, minerals, hormones in clinical exams and encouraging a healthier lifestyle,” reveals  Bechara . 

To treat hormonal issues that affect libido,  hormone replacement  therapy may be one of the treatments that men and women can take. Hormone therapy should be prescribed by the doctor who is monitoring the patient and can be administered through skin patches, gel or injections, relieving the symptoms of hormonal decline.

For  Marcelo Bechara , although it is a valid treatment, it is important to strengthen other care in life. “If we understand that replacement is not necessary, we encourage a multidisciplinary treatment, with weight loss to reduce fatigue, stress control and we even recommend couples therapy”, reveals the doctor.

About Marcelo Bechara

Marcelo Bechara  has been a doctor for over 16 years. Graduated in  Medicine from the Metropolitan University of Santos (UNIMES) , he continued in the area of  ​​Clinical Medicine  and  General Surgery , having worked as  Undersecretary of Health at the City Hall of Praia Grande  and on the front line of Covid-19 during the pandemic, also as a vacancy regulator and head of  SAMU , in the public health network.

Currently,  Bechara  works with  Integrative Medicine , in the clinic that bears his name, opened in 2023 in Praia Grande, São Paulo. In his space, he provides care that goes beyond the treatment of diseases, promoting improvements in the well-being and quality of life of his patients.

Franciele Ferreira
Account Executive

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