Mostra de Filmes de Montanha 2021 search for films about montains
Published in JOURNALISM MULTIMÍDIA Environmental documentarians can participate in this event. The Mostra Filmes de Montanha 2021 , sponsored by Saved by Spot , will be held in person in Santa Catarina , Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo , as…
Justice condemns another defendant involved in the fraud of cisterns in West SC
Ricardo Dalcanale Bornhausen received a sentence of three years and six months of imprisonment, will have to pay a fine and return, with other convicts, more than R $ 3.2 million In a criminal action proposed by the Federal Public…
Vaccine against Covid-19 from Brazilian startup in partnership with American company gains support from Anvisa to submit non-clinical data for analysis
The decision was taken after a successful meeting with the Agency, where promising and robust preclinical data was presented in tests already carried out on rodents with vaccine formulation The vaccine that aims to prevent infection by Covid-19, developed by…
Facts about Covid-19 that you should know:
Protect yourself and others, especially the most vulnerable. Help stop the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) by following common prevention tips. know more You will not be able to create a vaccine against COVID-19 at home Developing the vaccine is…
Education: ADE Granfpolis publishes 2020 balance sheet
Edineia Rauta, Central Press – Translation: Mauro Demarchi Despite all the challenges imposed by the pandemic in 2020, the Granfpolis Education Development Arrangement (ADE), directly supported by Instituto Positivo, completed the planned actions and took training for teachers, coordinators and…