News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


Cresol releases first credit from the 23/24 Harvest Plan for bee farming

Cooperator Jackson Baumann, stingless bee breeder in Santa Rosa de Lima (SC), accessed the resource through Pronaf Costing Sociobiodiversity The first release of credit from the 2023/2024 Harvest Plan to finance meliponiculture, the activity of raising stingless bees, took place…

The impact of the cyclone on the economy – more than 29 thousand animals died due to the floods in Rio Grande do Sul

Adverse weather conditions affected 50 municipalities, 665 locations and 10,787 properties By:  AGROLINK  – Aline Merladete A preliminary report that presents losses related to infrastructure, primary production, livestock and pastures, as a result of the extratropical cyclone that hit Rio Grande do Sul…

Researchers produce craft beer with Tiúba bee honey

Work was developed by students and professors of the Federal Institute of Maranhão, Campus Caxias. In Brazil and in the world, craft beer production has grown significantly in recent years. This increase is due, in large part, to the search for…

ABELHA participates in the 48th. Apimondia, which will have sustainable beekeeping as its theme

Entity takes some of its initiatives for the conservation of bees and promotion of national beekeeping and also supports the participation of Brazilian researchers Santiago (Chile) –   The 48th Apimondia, the largest beekeeping congress in the world, takes place in Santiago,…

Honey and derivatives producers broaden horizons at international meeting

The trade mission of the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA) made up of rural honey and derivatives entrepreneurs participates in the 48th International Beekeeping Congress – Apimondia Santiago, the main international event in the sector, held in…