News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


Catalog sheets of relevant species for meliponiculture

ABELHA, in partnership with the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio), makes available on its website catalog files of 15 species of stingless bees relevant to Brazilian meliponiculture. The sheets of the other 45 species will be made available…

Supplementation can aid in the health, reproduction and athletic performance of horses in competition

A balanced diet and a physical exercise routine can ensure that animals have a better quality of life, contributing to better reproductive and athletic performance. However, pastures are generally deficient in essential vitamins and nutrients. Horses are known to be…

Survey shows where are the farms with more digitalized management

Municipalities in the center-south region of the country lead the ranking A survey carried out by  Aegro  – a company that develops technology for farm management – ​​shows the regions where the properties that most use digital tools for rural business management…

In the South Region, the relationship between cost and marketing is very unfavorable to pig farmers

The disclosure of the production cost and sales value of live pigs in August by Embrapa’s Poultry and Swine Intelligence Center continued to present an extremely onerous market for pig farmers. In August, the cost of production in the South…

Indemnities paid by insurance companies to rural producers reach R$1.7 billion

Indemnities paid by insurance companies to producers who contracted rural insurance reach R$1.7 billion in the first half of 2021 Between January and June 2021, the value of claims in rural insurance totaled R$1.7 billion, according to data from the Superintendency…