News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


Onion production may collapse in the 2022 harvest

Deputy Peninha asks Minister Tereza Cristina for approval of new crop protection product for onion production Producers are neglected as an alternative to weed control after the manufacturer announced the end of Totril The next crop of onion and garlic…

Evangelicals and Agribusiness fill Brasília in a pro-Bolsonaro demonstration

Organized over weeks, the event was attended by several sectors. Farmers from various parts of the country organized themselves to be present at the demonstration. Yesterday’s event rescues Bolsonaro’s credibility, shaken by the poor demonstration of May 1, showing that…

Discover how wooden barrels can transform the taste and color of cachaça

With the practice of aging cachaça in barrels, the sensory characteristics of the drink increase by up to 65% The process of transporting and preserving alcoholic beverages in wooden barrels has been going on for over two thousand years. In the…

Road freight volume in Brazil jumps 53% in the 1st quarter with agribusiness and construction

The volume of road freight in Brazil jumped 53% in the first quarter of 2021 compared to the same period of the previous year, boosted especially by the construction and agribusiness sectors, indicated a report published on Thursday by the…

Santa Catarina will require traceability of milk to give more security to the consumer

By Sheila Rosa Original Post in Portuguese Santa Catarina takes another important step towards the eradication of brucellosis and bovine tuberculosis in the state. From now on, dairy products must control the traceability of milk and redouble the attention to animal…