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Alfredo Wagners News Online


Alfredo Wagner hard hit by the rains prepares recovery

The rains that fell abundantly in the night from Thursday to Friday (June 23/24) caused great damage to the roads in Alfredo. Mayor Gilmar Sani and Secretary of Works, Adilson Mariotti, together with teams from the Secretariat, are carrying out…

Drought and high temperatures in southern Brazil reduce estimated soybean production to 134.2 million tons

Main producing regions, to be covered by the Rally da Safra, present different scenarios, with good expectations for Mato Grosso, Goiás, North of Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais and MAPITO-BA – while the South of Mato Grosso do Sul,…

Tornado in the Midwest of Santa Catarina: 100% of the electrical system is restored

After four days of intense work, the electrical system that feeds the Midwest of Santa Catarina was fully restored this Tuesday night (06/01). In the region hit by a tornado and strong storms last Friday (28), 13 municipalities were left…

Clean energy is not that clean

The Alfredo Wagner Online newspaper transcribes Raphael Monteiro’s article about the false advertising involved with the propagated clean energy. The author proves that it is not that clean and could be a big problem in the near future. Raphael Monteiro…

Inmet forecast highlights the progress of rains for Santa Catarina and Paraná this Thursday

Institute maintains vortex in areas of the Southeast, Center and Matopiba, while NOAA begins to show system disruption The highest volumes of rainfall were recorded in southern Brazil in the last 24 hours. Data collected at the meteorological stations of the National…