News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


Wine from an inhospitable region of Italy arrives in Brazil

Inserrata is a reference for lovers of exclusive wines, with labels that go beyond flavor, presenting a modern, avant-garde and empowering visual identity From a small village in Tuscany, Italy, Gabriele Dolfi, founder of Inserrata, brought to the world of…

Researchers produce craft beer with Tiúba bee honey

Work was developed by students and professors of the Federal Institute of Maranhão, Campus Caxias. In Brazil and in the world, craft beer production has grown significantly in recent years. This increase is due, in large part, to the search for…

Isabela teaches how to properly fry sweets

Learn how to make Dream and Rain Cake and put the tips into practice Everything that is fried tastes better! Do you agree? For some people, frying brings more flavor to food and, in fact, some fried dishes may taste better compared…