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Alfredo Wagners News Online


Money forgotten in banks total 8 billion; see how to rescue

Individuals and legal entities can consult forgotten amounts in banks and other entities of the financial system using the new functionality of the Central Bank, called “Amounts Receivable”. Money is returned within 12 business days (FOLHAPRESS) – The Central Bank released…

N26 Brasil will open about 300 vacancies in 2022

Among the opportunities, more than 50% are destined for technology areas, in addition to positions for the operations, business, legal teams, among others. The N26 Brazil, who was born to promote financial health, will open about 300 jobs in 2022…

Brazil is in penultimate position in the international ranking of energy efficiency, only behind Mexico

The use of frequency inverters is urgent for the implementation of Industry 4.0 and to reverse this situation, which represents a waste of electricity. Research points high in the use of efficient electric motors for greater energy savings Electric motors…

Comscore Announces Purchase of Shareablee, Leading Technology and Social Media Provider

Both companies’ combined commercial offering will provide media companies, agencies and advertisers with unparalleled insight into consumer engagement and reach across different digital platforms Sao Paulo, December 20, 2021  – Comscore (NASDAQ: SCOR) announced the acquisition of Shareablee, a leading marketing…

Chapecó to open new innovation center

The sustainable development has 15 thousand square meters and space for 50 companies to operate The city of Chapecó is even more technology-oriented with the new Innovation Center, CIAD Downtown . A partnership between the Associação Polo Tecnológico do Oeste Catarinense – DEATEC and the Associação…