News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


Peopletech Summit: Free and Online Lectures Address Innovations in Human Resources

Event promoted by ACATE’s Vertical Peopletech will be held between September 21st and 23rd The second edition of the Peopletech Summit will bring together the leading names in human resources in the technology sector to debate the future of people management, news and…

São João Batista (SC), Riachinho (MG) and Palmeirina (PE) join the Strong Families program

The initiative proposes actions to strengthen family bonds, involving parents and children in a dynamic of encounters. With the inclusion of the three municipalities, Familias Fortes is present in 56 Brazilian cities and carries out tests for expansion in the…

MC² Course – Girls in Science opens registration for its second edition

A project created by two high school students aims to inspire girls interested in math and science MC² – Meninas na Ciência has opened enrollment for the second edition of the online course, which offers science and math classes for…

ADE Granfpolis Launches Leadership Development Program for Education Professionals

To encourage self-knowledge and the strengthening of leadership skills, the Education Development Arrangement (ADE) Granfpolis launched the Liderar program, aimed at municipal education secretaries and other professionals in the sector. “We exercise leadership at home, in the workplace and with friends….

Grandmother learns to read following her grandchild’s virtual classes

She lives in Florianópolis (SC), but is from Bom Retiro. Marlene Hinckel, 63, worked in the fields until she was 25 years old. “My parents thought it better for me to work in the fields than to go to study“….