News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online


Accidents at home increased dramatically after the pandemic-32 thousand cases!

Priscila Currie, Brazilian paramedic in London, warns and gives prevention tips! “Unfortunately, accidents at home are more common than we think. Even before the pandemic, the worst accidents I attend to happen in people’s own homes and often with terrible consequences”,…

The dangers of winter diseases

What are the risks of not treating them properly and when is ENT surgery necessary? Winter is a reason for attention to respiratory diseases. In the cold, people tend to stay indoors, which makes air circulation difficult and favors the proliferation…

Pharmacist Day and its role in promoting individualized health

*By Marco Fiaschetti, Executive Director of the National Association of Master Pharmacists (Anfarmag) On January 20th, Pharmacist Day is celebrated in Brazil. The idea of ​​creating the date came from pharmacist Oto Serpa Grandado and this day was chosen due to…

SC government, concerned about the elderly, sets new rules

Coronavirus in SC: new ordinances determine disclosure of the Safe Event and reinforce care in institutions for the elderly To reinforce the importance of sanitary regulations and expand attention to the most vulnerable groups, the State Department of Health (SES)…

SC government prohibits open-air event with over 500 people agglomeration

The Carlos Moisés government ordinance, released this Tuesday, 30, prohibits outdoor events that cause crowds of more than 500 people in Santa Catarina. The Ordinance is published after an alert for the new variant of the coronavirus, the omicron, with…